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发布时间:2018-03-29 05:23

  本文选题:刑罚执行 切入点:被害人缺位 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自国家攫取刑罚权以来,被害人逐渐被刑事司法系统所遗忘,虽然象征性地参与刑事案件的审判程序,但是在刑罚执行中却再难以见到被害人的影子。被害人参与刑罚执行程序理当是制度体系内部完整的必然要求,但现状是被害人在刑罚执行中的参与权单单被忽视,这种由国家垄断刑罚执行的传统模式,在国家刚性的掩映下,并未赋予被害人在刑罚执行中的主体性地位,忽略了被害人参与刑罚执行的制度机制。本着“被害人始终在场”的刑法理念,被害人亦不应无端缺席刑罚执行。为系统性论证被害人参与刑罚执行制度,本文结合对被害人缺位刑罚执行原因和弊端的分析,通过理论依据和国内外实践经验予以支持,并在此基础上提出被害人参与刑罚执行的制度设计,以期形成对该制度的完整认知。 首先,本文从历史遗留影响、犯罪性质定位和犯罪目的的局限性三方面对被害人缺位刑罚执行的背景进行分析;并进一步分析这种制度缺位的弊端:(1)被害人处于这种制度正义实现的传统模式中,主体性的地位难以保障,并且容易导致被害的加深;(2)犯罪人在“向国家”履行完刑罚义务之后,却仍然难以复归到一个没有仇恨的社会;(3)由于公权力习惯性地忽视被害人在刑罚执行中的参与权,从长远的角度看,这种制度内的不完善已经影响到刑罚执行社会效果的实现。被害人与犯罪人之间的“纠纷解决方式”在国家干预下,已经逐步背离了定纷止争的最原始色彩,甚至是说,最后所剩下的就仅仅是国家强制下最浓墨重彩的一笔。 其次,本文通过相关理论依据和实践经验对被害人参与刑罚执行制度进行论证。社会契约论、主体性理论、人权保障理论、恢复正义理论等,为被害人参与刑罚执行提供理论证成;国内外的一些司法实践,如英国的“无花果树计划”等都已经初步表现出这一制度的现实意义。 最后,本文提出被害人参与刑罚执行的制度设计,以期在国家强制与被害人的弹性参与之间建构制度支持,从而弥补现行刑罚执行中的稍许单调。为此,需要体系性构建被害人参与刑罚执行制度。被害人参与刑罚执行需要各种制度予以衔接,以保证制度内部的紧密性。结合监禁刑和非监禁刑的特点,在监禁刑执行的参与中注重参与前的告知、参与中叙说理论的引入、参与中与假定工资制的结合、参与后效果的评估;在非监禁刑中注重社区矫正中的参与监督。在更深层次意义上探索执行过程中和解制度,既是对被害人参与刑罚执行制度的深入挖掘,又是对现行刑事和解制度的合理延伸,在这一意义上讲,刑事和解制度与被害人参与刑罚执行制度找到了完美的契合点。在与现有的执行制度并行不悖的前提下,最大限度发挥其宽缓灵活的优势,从而丰富现有的刑罚执行制度的内容,使得刑法的生命力在刑罚执行阶段真正活跃起来。 被害人参与刑罚的执行既能保证被害人的主体性地位,又能为刑罚改造注入灵活、机动的成分,既注重对罪犯的心理挽救,又能以前瞻性的视角修复受损的社会机能,实现法律效果和社会效果的统一。为现行的刑罚执行的刚性强制注入宽缓、人文之因素,使得刑罚的谦抑性在当事人的手中得到完美、生动的诠释。在形成对国家公权力的监督与制约的机制的同时,又不失是对国家刚性棱角鲜明的雕磨与修饰,基于此,刑罚执行才能真正担起这份沉甸甸的社会责任。
[Abstract]:The victim ' s participation in the execution of punishment has been neglected , but the present situation is that the victim ' s participation right in the execution of the sentence is ignored . In the light of the criminal law idea of the victim ' s participation in the execution of the sentence , the victim does not give the victim ' s participation in the execution of the sentence . In the light of the criminal law idea of the victim ' s absence , the article gives the support to the victim ' s participation in the execution of the sentence . On the basis of this , the author puts forward the system design of the victim ' s participation in the execution of the sentence , with a view to forming the complete cognition of the system .

Firstly , this paper analyzes the background of the execution of the victim ' s absence penalty from the three aspects of the historical legacy , the nature of the crime and the limitation of the criminal purpose .
The disadvantage of this system is further analyzed : ( 1 ) The victim is in the traditional mode of the realization of the system justice , the position of the subjectivity is difficult to guarantee , and it is apt to lead to the deepening of the victim ;
( 2 ) After the perpetrator has fulfilled its penal obligations to the State , it is still difficult to return to a society free of hatred ;
( 3 ) Due to the habitual neglect of the right of the victim to participate in the execution of the sentence , the imperfection in this system has affected the realization of the social effect of the penalty in the long run .

Secondly , this paper proves the victim ' s participation in the execution system of penalty through relevant theoretical basis and practical experience . The theory of social contract , the theory of subjectivity , the theory of human rights guarantee , the theory of restoration of justice , etc . , provides theoretical evidence for the victim ' s participation in the execution of the sentence .
Some judicial practices at home and abroad , such as the " Wuhua Fruit Tree Program " in the United Kingdom , have shown the practical significance of this system .

Finally , this paper puts forward the system design of the victim ' s participation in the execution of the sentence , so as to construct the system support between the national compulsory and the victim ' s elastic participation , so as to make up for the slight monotony in the execution of the current penalty . To this end , it is necessary to construct the victim ' s participation in the execution system of the sentence .
In this sense , the criminal reconciliation system and the victim ' s participation in the system of penalty enforcement have found a perfect fit . In this sense , the criminal reconciliation system and the victim ' s participation in the penalty execution system have found a perfect fit . In this sense , the content of the existing criminal justice system is enriched , so that the vitality of the criminal law is really active in the execution stage of the sentence .

The implementation of the victim ' s participation in the punishment can not only guarantee the subjective status of the victim , but also inject the flexible and mobile components into the reform and injection of the penalty . It pays attention to the psychological salvage of the criminals and the unification of the legal effect and social effect .



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