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发布时间:2018-03-29 08:16

  本文选题:紧急仲裁员 切入点:临时措施 出处:《北京外国语大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:紧急仲裁员制度作为商事仲裁临时措施的重要创新,相继纳入世界主要仲裁机构的仲裁规则。部分在国际仲裁领域居于领先地位的国家(地区),通过立法的形式对紧急仲裁员所作裁决或决定的效力予以确认,并对该裁决或决定的执行模式进行安排。在此背景下,我国主要仲裁机构在最近的仲裁规则修订中,加入了紧急仲裁员制度,主要为方便当事人在支持紧急仲裁员制度的执行地获得临时措施救济。与之相对,紧急仲裁员制度在中国大陆的效力及执行问题,在立法层面的规制尚付阙如。为了赋予仲裁当事人在中国大陆利用紧急仲裁员制度有效救济的权利,构建合理运行的紧急仲裁员机制,我国的民事诉讼法及仲裁法需要相应作出调整。 在此过程中,如何借鉴世界主要仲裁机构的先进理念,合理安排紧急仲裁员程序的制度细节,并结合我国仲裁领域特有的司法政策及司法理念,提出具有可行性的建议,构成了本文关注的研究方向与主要内容。为满足上述研究目的,本文综合考量仲裁的特性、仲裁当事人的权利保护、仲裁成本等多重因素,采用比较法和案例分析法,对可行性立法建议进行论证,主要分以下四个章节: 第一章主要是商事仲裁中紧急仲裁员制度概览。简要介绍紧急仲裁员制度的发展历程,及其在世界主要仲裁机构的适用情况,以及与传统临时措施相比的优势及弊端,为后文分析并提出立法建议提供背景。 第二章介绍了我国商事仲裁临时措施的立法及司法现状。从时间节点上可分为仲裁前临时措施与仲裁中临时措施,法律依据方面包括2012年新修订的《民事诉讼法》及《仲裁法》,并结合相关案例对司法实践进行评析。主要关注现行仲裁临时措施在紧急仲裁员制度构建中的局限性。其中将仲裁临时措施按时间点划分并独立分析的角度为本文的创新之处。 第三章分析我国仲裁规则中关于紧急仲裁员制度的新发展。一方面肯定其制度创新的先进性,一方面关注该规则项下的紧急仲裁员制度的适用范围,指出该仲裁规则由于缺少立法层面的支持,对在大陆构建紧急仲裁员制度的贡献十分有限,强调通过修订法律构建紧急仲裁员制度的紧迫性及必要性。 第四章主要是构建我国商事仲裁中紧急仲裁员制度的具体建议。先从我国仲裁领域特有的司法理念入手,强调紧急仲裁员制度构建的过程中需要因地制宜。进而在借鉴世界主要仲裁机构的先进理念,通过比较法和案例分析法,从适用方式、决策程序、发布主体、执行模式层面给出具体建议。其中,结合我国仲裁领域特有司法理念进行立法建议选择的角度和方法,为本文的创新之处。
[Abstract]:Emergency arbitrators system as an important innovation of interim measures of commercial arbitration, One after another into the arbitration rules of the world's leading arbitration institutions. Some of the countries (regions) that are leading in the field of international arbitration confirm, by way of legislation, the validity of awards or decisions made by emergency arbitrators, In this context, the major arbitration institutions in our country have added the system of emergency arbitrators in the recent revision of the arbitration rules. The main purpose is to facilitate the parties to obtain interim measures relief in support of the enforcement of the emergency arbitrators system. In contrast, the effectiveness and enforcement of the emergency arbitrator system in the mainland of China, In order to give the arbitration parties the right to use the emergency arbitrators system to remedy effectively in mainland China, the system of emergency arbitrators should be constructed. The civil procedure law and arbitration law of our country need to be adjusted accordingly. In this process, how to draw lessons from the advanced ideas of the world's major arbitration institutions, reasonably arrange the system details of the emergency arbitrators' procedure, and combine with the judicial policy and judicial idea of our country's arbitration field, put forward some feasible suggestions. In order to satisfy the above research purpose, this paper synthetically considers the characteristics of arbitration, the protection of the rights of the arbitration parties, the arbitration cost and so on, and adopts the comparative method and the case analysis method. The feasibility of legislative proposals for demonstration, mainly divided into the following four chapters:. The first chapter is an overview of the emergency arbitrators system in commercial arbitration. It briefly introduces the development of the emergency arbitrators system and its application in the world's major arbitration institutions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages compared with the traditional interim measures. To provide the background for the following analysis and legislative proposals. The second chapter introduces the legislative and judicial status of the interim measures of commercial arbitration in China, which can be divided into pre-arbitration interim measures and interim measures in arbitration from the point of view of time. The legal basis includes the newly revised Civil procedure Law and the Arbitration Law in 2012, and analyzes the judicial practice in light of relevant cases. It mainly focuses on the limitations of the current interim measures of arbitration in the construction of the emergency arbitrators system. The innovation of this paper is to divide the interim measures into time points and analyze them independently. The third chapter analyzes the new development of the emergency arbitrators system in China's arbitration rules. On the one hand, it affirms the advanced nature of its system innovation, on the other hand, it pays close attention to the scope of application of the emergency arbitrators system under the rules. It is pointed out that due to the lack of legislative support, the arbitration rules have limited contribution to the construction of the emergency arbitrators system in mainland China, and the urgency and necessity of establishing the emergency arbitrators system through the revision of the law are emphasized. The fourth chapter is the construction of China's commercial arbitration in the system of emergency arbitrators specific recommendations. First of all, starting with the unique judicial concept in the field of arbitration in China. Emphasizing the need to adapt measures to local conditions in the process of constructing the emergency arbitrators system. Then, through comparative law and case analysis, we can learn from the advanced ideas of major arbitration institutions in the world, and issue the subject from the applicable mode, the decision-making procedure, and the main body. The specific suggestions are given at the level of execution mode, among which, the angle and method of legislative suggestion selection combined with the unique judicial concept in the field of arbitration in our country are the innovations of this paper.


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