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发布时间:2018-03-29 10:33

  本文选题:庭前会议 切入点:司法公正 出处:《湖北社会科学》2013年11期

[Abstract]:The focus of the proceedings before the criminal court is to focus on solving the outstanding problems that may lead to the interruption of the trial, affect the smooth progress of the trial, and restrict the efficiency of the trial, which can protect the litigation rights of both the prosecution and the defense, and promote the high quality and efficiency of the trial procedure. The realization of judicial justice is of great significance. On the basis of setting up the applicable scope of the meeting procedure before the criminal court scientifically, the participating subject and the applicable procedure, as the procuratorial organ of the national legal supervision organ, It should also assume the responsibility of supervising the standardized operation of the pre-court meeting procedures. The public prosecutor attending the pre-court meeting procedure shall provide corrective opinions afterwards and other legal supervision methods, The necessary procuratorial supervision is carried out on whether the parties involved in the proceedings, especially the people's court, scientifically and normatively apply the pre-court meeting procedure according to the legal procedure.
【作者单位】: 湖北省十堰市人民检察院;


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