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发布时间:2018-03-30 00:09

  本文选题:答辩 切入点:答辩失权 出处:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Pretrial procedure and trial procedure are important links in civil litigation, and full pretrial preparation is an important prerequisite for centralized trial. Throughout the development process of civil litigation reform in our country, the reform of civil action is initiated from these two procedures. Including summary procedure, burden of proof, litigation mediation and so on. However, the overall analysis shows that the reform of the trial procedure is in the majority and the pretrial preparation procedure is easily ignored, which can no longer meet the requirements of procedural justice, therefore, Now the direction of reform in civil litigation has also changed. In civil litigation, fixed points of contention and gathering of evidence are the two main functions of the pretrial preparation procedure. Specifically, the system design is the defense system and the evidence system. The latter China has a system of time limits for proof and a system of loss of power of evidence, which supports the timely collection of evidence. However, because our country stipulates that the defendant's defence is arbitrary, the defense is not subject to time and procedure. This kind of procedure design may make use of the legal loophole to carry on the lawsuit raid, achieve the effect of "outlandish victory", have damaged the procedure justice and stability, have the possibility that the trial will be repeated and retreated. The defense system is designed to ensure that the defendant can fully exercise the right of argument, exchange information with the plaintiff, and achieve the situation of attacking and defending, so as to promote the smooth progress of the procedure. This is also of great significance for the fixation of points of contention among judges, but if such procedural design does not perform this function and is already a threat to the fairness and efficiency of the proceedings, It is necessary to reform it. By establishing the system of the loss of right of reply to regulate the defendant's defense behavior, to make up the legal loopholes, to perfect the pretrial preparation procedure, and to make the full use of its function, All countries in the world have generally established the system of loss of right of reply, but because of the different sources of law and the mode of litigation, the specific rules are different in design. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of foreign legislation and national conditions, the author intends to draw lessons from the previous research results, and at the same time, draw lessons from advanced foreign legislative experience, the concept of the system of civil litigation defense loss, legislative performance, The theoretical basis of the clear analysis and discussion, analysis in our country to build the system of lost right of defense, the reality of the possibility, It also puts forward the "localization" system design of the system of the civil lawsuit's lost right of defense, which makes the defendant's defense behavior standardized and more effective in exercising the right of reply, thus promoting the arrangement of points of contention and promoting the function of pretrial preparation procedure. Highlight its instrumental value and internal independent value to form a detailed, specific, perfect pretrial preparation procedures, but also to achieve efficient centralized trial of the inevitable choice.


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