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发布时间:2018-03-30 03:01

  本文选题:借记卡 切入点:发卡行 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the number of crime cases committed by criminals using side recording equipment, communication tools and network technology has increased year by year. The victims of debit card disputes caused by such crimes include both cardholders and issuers. How to distribute the burden of proof between the two parties is the key to solve this kind of dispute. If we can clarify the rules of allocation of burden of proof for the referee to deal with this kind of cases, it is beneficial to safeguard the rights and interests of the cardholder. It is also beneficial to the healthy and orderly development of the financial industry. Through the empirical analysis, the method of economic analysis of law, the method of comparative research, the method of literature research, and so on, according to the current situation of judicial practice in our country and the viewpoint of scholars at home and abroad, Learn from the advanced legislative experience inside and outside the region, The article is divided into three parts in addition to the introduction. The first part is the present situation of the burden of proof in the domestic debit-card litigation. Firstly, it introduces the current legislative situation and existing problems in our country. Secondly, this paper introduces the current situation of judicial practice of this kind of cases, taking the form of the fault of the issuing bank as the starting point, and then analyzes the effectiveness of the standard clauses drawn up by the issuing banks. The second part is the legal analysis and evaluation of the burden of proof in debit card disputes. Secondly, it discusses the principle of imputation of civil liability of debit card dispute issuer. Finally, it probes into the theory of burden of proof in debit card dispute. This part mainly analyzes the relevant theories of burden of proof, and provides the theoretical basis for the rules of distribution of burden of proof in debit-card disputes. The third part combines with the rules of distribution of burden of proof in debit-card litigation within and outside the domain, including the United States, South Korea, etc. The relevant rules of burden of proof in the European Union and Taiwan region, and some legislative suggestions on the rules of allocation of burden of proof in debit-card disputes, including the burden of proof that the issuing bank should bear the burden of proof that the cardholder has not properly kept the transaction password. The cardholder bears the burden of proof that the counterfeit card transaction fact occurs, the card issuing bank bears the burden of proof that its own trading system has the security burden of proof, and the card issuing bank cannot provide ATM video information to presume that the fact is not conducive to the issuing bank, and at the same time, Clear the status of cardholders as financial consumers and special legislation.


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