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发布时间:2018-03-30 20:22

  本文选题:司法独立 切入点:司法责任 出处:《江西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the frequent occurrence of various kinds of judicial corruption and judges' violation of discipline has destroyed the judicial credibility and made the public question the judicial justice. The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to deepen the reform of the judicial system in an all-round way, while clearly guaranteeing judges to exercise their judicial power independently according to law. The implementation of the responsibility system for judges' handling of cases is also required, and a corresponding disciplinary system for judges should therefore be established. However, how to set up the judicial disciplinary institution in the system of judge discipline is particularly important to balance the relationship between judicial independence and judicial responsibility. The first part of the paper is the theoretical basis. This paper mainly introduces the legal basis of the judge disciplinary system and the mainstream views on the establishment of the specialized judge disciplinary institution in China, and analyzes the significance of the reform of the judge disciplinary committee system. The second part introduces and analyzes the current legislation and practice of the judge disciplinary mechanism in our country, and draws the conclusion that the main body in the traditional judge disciplinary mechanism is not neutral and professional, and the justice of the disciplinary procedure is not strong. The third part analyzes the composition of the judges' disciplinary committee personnel and the disciplinary procedure, and demonstrates the progress of the reform of the judge's disciplinary committee system in the aspects of professionalism, procedural fairness, and ensuring the relative independence of the judiciary. The fourth part analyzes and discusses the limitations of the reform of the system of the judges' disciplinary committee, and points out that the reform has the following problems: the independence of the disciplinary committee is not enough, there is no right to start the procedure, there is no relevant guarantee to put forward the disciplinary opinion, and there is a lack of remedies. The fifth part, aiming at the problems existing in the reform, contrasts the establishment of the corresponding disciplinary institutions and disciplinary procedures of judges outside China and Taiwan, from the aspects of institutional setting, the boundary of power, the safeguard measures and the ways of relief, etc. To provide the train of thought for the perfection of the system of the judge disciplinary committee.


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