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发布时间:2018-03-30 20:14

  本文选题:行政不作为 切入点:救济 出处:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Administrative omission is one of the common problems in government organs. The administrative departments and their staff members have not actually fulfilled their duties in administrative law due to certain procedural requirements, resulting in the state, Administrative omission is a special form of administrative activity, which exists in almost any kind of administrative activity. It undermines social order and norms, fosters formalism and bureaucracy in the ranks of law enforcement, harms the legitimate interests of the masses of the people, and has a tremendous negative impact on the image of the party and government. In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses as far as possible, To make up for the damage caused by administrative omission, we must take various measures to make up for it and remedy it. The government should bear the primary responsibility. In the world, there are many ways to remedy administrative omission. Different countries have adopted different ways according to their national conditions. In our country, there are currently three main ways of relief for administrative omission: administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation and state compensation. Administrative reconsideration is the application of the administrative organ itself by an administrative counterpart. The way of relief for the administrative organ concerned to be judged and disposed of accordingly. The administrative lawsuit is a suit brought by an administrative counterpart to the court, State compensation is an activity in which the state bears the responsibility for compensation for the damage caused by the infringement of public rights. These three kinds of administrative omission have their own remedies. Mode of operation and procedures, At the same time, they also have their own shortcomings and weaknesses. It is of great significance to strengthen and perfect the remedy of administrative omission for the construction of a modern country ruled by law and a service-oriented government.


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