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发布时间:2018-03-31 04:07

  本文选题:法律地位 切入点:诉权 出处:《青岛大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The parties' legal status should be equal in both civil and administrative proceedings, but the equal legal status of the parties in administrative proceedings should be emphasized because of the wide disparity in the identity of the parties in administrative proceedings. As well as the characteristics of our judicial system, the balance of equality of legal status is easily tilted. In many cases, there will be inequality. In judicial practice, there will be problems such as the right of action, the issue of enforcement, and so on. Therefore, it is very necessary to focus on standardization. However, the provisions of the current administrative procedure law on this issue are too principled and lack corresponding implementation measures and relief measures. Therefore, it is very necessary to enrich this principle. To make the legal status of the parties in administrative litigation truly equal, at least to get rid of the interference of the administrative organs as far as possible, to standardize the legal status of the parties in administrative litigation is not only conducive to solving the problem of litigation rights and enforcement, It also helps to protect the legitimate interests of the plaintiff, prevent the plaintiff's legitimate rights and interests from being harmed by illegal acts, improve the level of administrative organs' administration according to law, and benefit the court to try according to law.


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