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发布时间:2018-03-31 06:29

  本文选题:行政规章侵权 切入点:行政规章可诉性 出处:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:1990年10月1日起开始实施的《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》明确规定具体行政行为属于行政诉讼受案范围,而将包括行政规章在内的抽象行政行为排除在外。随着我国法治理论和实践的发展,该制度已经受到社会各界的质疑。 英、美、法、德等发达国家的行政法发展已经极为完善,法国素来享有“行政法母国”之称。英美法系的司法审查制度和大陆法系的行政诉讼制度均涉及司法权对行政权的制约与监督问题,具体而言,两大法系就法院对行政机关的抽象行政行为的审查做出了规定。只是两大法系的具体制度有所差异,英美法系赋予普通法院对行政案件的管辖权,而大陆法系则专门建立了独立于普通法院的行政法院管辖行政案件。由于可诉性与受案范围密切相关,两大法系均采用了排除规定来确定受案范围,并未将包括行政规章在内的抽象行政行为排除在外,确认了行政规章具有可诉性。 对于行政规章可诉性的问题,我国理论界一直存在争议。笔者认为行政规章具有可诉性。首先,行政规章是我国行政主体作出具体行政行为最为直接的依据,是我国数量最大,最经常使用的一类规范性文件,在我国行政管理活动中举足轻重。但是行政规章存在着制定主体不明确,制定权限不清,规章名称不统一,制定程序缺失等缺陷,在司法实践中也存在很多行政规章侵权的情况。其次,行政规章不可诉存在许多弊端,即不利于对行政权的制约,,不利于行政效率的提高,不利于维护行政相对人的权利,也不利于我国行政法治建设。再次,承认行政规章具有可诉性,拥有坚实的理论依据、法律依据和现实依据。可见,行政规章具有可诉性,应当将其纳入行政诉讼受案范围。 在理论上,承认行政规章具有可诉性,将其纳入行政诉讼受案范围,还远远不能满足我国行政法治建设的需要,我们还必须构建完善的行政规章诉讼制度体系。在结合本国国情和借鉴英、美、德等国的经验的基础上,为了减少行政权对司法权的干预,保障司法独立,提高行政案件审理专业化水平,首先应当建立独立于普通法院的行政法院,其次,应当修改行政诉讼法,扩大受案范围,对管辖权、审查标准、审查方式以及裁判方式等问题作出明确规定。唯有建立起独立、完善的行政规章可诉制度,才能实现我国行政法治的宏伟蓝图。
[Abstract]:The Law of the People ' s Republic of China on Administrative Procedure Law of the People ' s Republic of China , which began on Oct . 1 , 1990 , clearly stipulates that the specific administrative acts fall within the scope of the administrative proceedings , and the abstract administrative acts , including administrative rules , are excluded . With the development of the theory and practice of the rule of law in our country , the system has been challenged by the various sectors of the society .

The development of administrative law in developed countries such as Britain , America , France and Germany has been very perfect , and France has enjoyed the name of " the mother country of administrative law " . The judicial review system of Anglo - American law system and the administrative litigation system of the civil law system all deal with the restriction and supervision of the administrative authority .

Administrative rules are the most direct basis of administrative regulation . First , administrative rules are the most direct basis for the administrative body to make concrete administrative act , which is the most important and most frequently used type of normative documents in our country .

In order to reduce administrative power ' s interference in judicial power , to guarantee judicial independence and to improve the professional level of administrative cases , it is necessary to establish an administrative court which is independent from the ordinary courts . Secondly , it should amend the administrative procedure law , enlarge the scope of the case , and make clear the jurisdiction , the examination standard , the way of examination and the judgment method . Only the establishment of an independent and perfect administrative regulation can suit the system to realize the grand blueprint of the administrative rule of law in our country .



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