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发布时间:2018-03-31 13:06

  本文选题:证据不足 切入点:无罪判决 出处:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The acquittal of "insufficient evidence" is an important provision of article 195, paragraph 3, of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, which plays an important role in the protection of human rights, In particular, it is very important to carry out the principle of suspect crime. However, as far as the rate of acquittal of criminal cases is concerned, our country is still at a low level. The influence of the three organs of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate and the Court on the wrong application of the principle of "division of labour, responsibility, cooperation and mutual restraint", It is difficult for the court to make a verdict of acquittal without sufficient evidence. But it is well known that along with the public's great concern about some criminal cases of false and false in recent years, the judiciary was once at the forefront of public opinion. To a certain extent, the credibility of the judiciary has also been derogated, and to some extent the contradiction between the construction of the rule of law in our country has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the reasons why it is difficult for the court to make an acquittal when there is "insufficient evidence", so that the right remedy can be given to the case. It is imperative to solve the dilemma and clear the way for the better implementation of the Criminal procedure Law. Synthesizing the full text, this paper mainly begins to write from three aspects. First, the author mainly deals with the nature of the acquittal of the lack of evidence. Laws and regulations and judicial interpretation of the lack of evidence for the acquittal of the summary; the second aspect of the lack of evidence to carry out a more comprehensive analysis of a number of issues; the third aspect of writing, The author selects 100 cases of acquittal to analyze the present situation of our country's acquittal, and on the basis of this, discusses the reasons why the acquittal is difficult in our judicial practice. At the same time, three ways are put forward to solve the problem of the acquittal of lack of evidence in our country.


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