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发布时间:2018-04-01 14:12

  本文选题:交通肇事 切入点:刑事和解 出处:《西南政法大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 当前,我国社会矛盾比较突出,中央和地方都在积极寻求化解社会矛盾的有效方法,而刑事和解作为化解社会矛盾的有效方式之一,受到了各级检察机关的高度重视。在构建和谐社会的大前提下,作为恢复性司法之一的刑事和解制度在我国正如火如荼地发展;交通肇事作为一种过失犯罪,主观恶性一般不大,情节相对较轻,为了更好地消除社会矛盾、维护双方当事人的合法权益,促进和谐社会的构建,刑事和解制度在交通肇事案件中的运用日益普遍。但是,随着我国车辆保有量的快速增长,交通安全形势日益严峻,每年发生的道路交通事故居高不下,加之刑事和解制度在我国毕竟发展得不够成熟,实践操作中也存在着这样那样的问题,如何规范与完善刑事和解制度在当前交通肇事案件中的运用,实现政治效果、法律效果与社会效果的有机统一,显得非常迫切与必要。 本文共分为四个部分,全文约二万字。 第一部分为绪论,主要介绍催生我国刑事和解制度的政治背景、法律背景,特别是实际调查了解到的实施情况,最终促成作者以此为题展开实证研究。 第二部分是以选择的Y市检察机关在2007年至2009年三年间办理的所有交通肇事案件的调查统计为基础,客观介绍了实践考察当前Y市检察机关在办理此类案件过程中实施刑事和解的基本情况(包括案件处理中的审查审批、公开听证、人民监督员监督等基本程序步骤、所取得的一些有益经验)和社会各界对实施刑事和解的反映与评价,为刑事和解制度的建立提供了丰富的实践经验。 第三部分是对交通肇事案件刑事和解中存在的有关问题的探讨。分别从对公共安全利益重视程度不够、实施刑事和解案件掌握标准随意性过大、对部分案件的处理存在“先入为主”的定向思维、刑事和解的方式过于单一、刑事和解听证程序完善和刑事和解过程中的权利保障问题等六个方面进行了仔细的考察、探讨、论证,对下一步规范和完善交通肇事案件刑事和解制度指明了方向。 第四部分是根据实践考察经验,对刑事和解制度提出了五个方面的建立完善建议。其中紧密结合当前交通违法行为过高和酒驾猖獗等热点提出了交通肇事犯罪的立法建议,其次对刑事和解配套制度的建立、交通肇事案件刑事和解范围的限制、刑事和解听证程序的规范与完善、刑事和解制度的继续深化等进行了详细论述,为刑事和解制度的建立与完善提供了有益的理论基础。
[Abstract]:At present, the social contradictions in our country are quite prominent. Both the central and local governments are actively seeking effective ways to resolve social contradictions, and criminal reconciliation is one of the effective ways to resolve social contradictions. Under the premise of building a harmonious society, the criminal reconciliation system, as one of the restorative justice, is developing in full swing in our country. Traffic accident is a negligent crime. The subjective malignancy is generally small and the plot is relatively light. In order to better eliminate social contradictions, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both parties, and promote the construction of a harmonious society, the criminal reconciliation system is increasingly common in traffic accident cases. With the rapid growth of vehicle holdings in our country, the traffic safety situation is becoming increasingly serious, and the road traffic accidents that occur every year remain high. After all, the criminal reconciliation system is not mature enough in our country. There are some problems in practice, how to standardize and perfect the criminal reconciliation system in the current traffic accident cases, to achieve the political effect, the organic unity of the legal and social effects, it is very urgent and necessary. This article is divided into four parts, the full text about 20,000 words. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the political background, the legal background, especially the actual investigation and understanding of the implementation of the criminal reconciliation system in China, and finally leads the author to carry out empirical research on this topic. The second part is based on the investigation and statistics of all traffic accident cases handled by the procuratorial organs of Y city between 2007 and 2009. This paper objectively introduces the basic conditions of criminal reconciliation implemented by procuratorial organs of Y city in the course of handling such cases (including the basic procedural steps of examination and approval in handling cases, public hearings, supervision by people's supervisors, etc.). Some beneficial experiences obtained) and the reflection and evaluation of criminal reconciliation from all walks of life have provided rich practical experience for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system. The third part is to discuss the related problems in the criminal reconciliation of traffic accident cases. This paper makes a careful investigation on six aspects, such as "preconceived thinking" in dealing with some cases, too single way of criminal reconciliation, perfection of criminal reconciliation hearing procedure and protection of rights in the process of criminal reconciliation. Argumentation, the next step to standardize and improve the traffic accident criminal reconciliation system pointed out the direction. The fourth part is according to the practice inspection experience, has put forward five aspects to the criminal reconciliation system establishment consummate suggestion, among them has proposed the traffic accident crime legislation suggestion closely unifies the current hot spot such as the traffic illegal behavior is too high and the alcohol driving rampant and so on, puts forward the traffic accident crime legislation suggestion. Secondly, it discusses in detail the establishment of the matching system of criminal reconciliation, the limitation of the scope of criminal reconciliation in traffic accident cases, the standardization and perfection of criminal reconciliation hearing procedure, the deepening of criminal reconciliation system, etc. It provides a beneficial theoretical basis for the establishment and perfection of the criminal reconciliation system.


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1 胡古;交通肇事案件适用刑事和解探析[D];兰州大学;2013年




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