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发布时间:2018-04-02 14:28

  本文选题:刑事责任 切入点:精神病人 出处:《聊城大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着精神卫生事业的发展及现代社会生活节奏的加快,精神病患问题受到社会的广泛关注,愈发成为影响我国社会自由、人权保障与社会稳定的重大社会问题。与此同时,一些强制医疗措施也应运而生。然而,长期以来我国精神病人强制医疗的状况却不容乐观。 《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》修订以后,“依法不负刑事责任的精神病人的强制医疗程序”作为专章将强制医疗纳入诉讼化、法治化的轨道,兼顾了人道主义与公共安全,可以说与域外法治国家不遑多让。但是,这一程序及相关制度不论在法律规定方面还是在实践方面均有不足之处亟待完善。为此,笔者运用法学专业知识,秉持着强制医疗司法化之理念,通过文献研究法、统计资料调查法、语义分析法等研究方法,从强制医疗的提起、基本概念、特征、理论基础等基本理论出发,进一步对《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》的条文规定进行了解读。最终,在对法律规定的基本内容中存在的现实问题及实践中的执行问题等进行分析之后,初步提出了一定的完善建议,并期冀对推动我国的强制医疗程序之发展有所裨益。 本文除前言外,正文从五个部分进行论述。 第一部分主要是对健康权演变的历史考察及强制医疗提起的论述,通过健康权在西方国家演变的主要过程,了解到健康权由个人自主问题发展为社会公共问题,从而我国建立了公共卫生保障制度,并提起强制医疗制度。 第二部分主要是对不负刑事责任的精神病人强制医疗基本内涵的概述,包括它的概念、特征、理论基础等一系列的基本问题,从而得以详细了解强制医疗的相关理论。 第三部分则通过分析我国不负刑事责任的精神病人强制医疗的基本内容,使我们对强制医疗有了清晰明确的了解。 第四部分主要是在对强制医疗予以充分肯定的基础上,通过分析提出了其在我国适用中存在的问题,大致包括法律规定中存在的现实问题及实践中的执行问题。 第五部分笔者提出了完善我国不负刑事责任的精神病人强制医疗制度的各项建议,即适用范围的扩大、保护性约束措施的明确规定、安康医院的建设、定期诊断评估制度的细化、强制医疗期限的限制、审理程序的完善、责任追究机制的建立等。 笔者认为,,强制医疗涉及个人利益及社会公共利益,它的出现为司法实践提供了法律依据,具有里程碑式的意义。故而希冀整个社会对这样的新程序、新制度予以特别呵护,使其能真正地扎根于中国刑事司法的土壤之中。
[Abstract]:With the development of mental health and the quickening of the pace of modern social life, the problem of mental illness has been paid more and more attention by the society, which has become an important social problem affecting social freedom, human rights protection and social stability in our country.At the same time, some compulsory medical measures also came into being.However, the situation of compulsory medical treatment for mental patients in China for a long time is not optimistic.After the revision of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, "compulsory medical procedures for mental patients who have no criminal responsibility according to law," as a special chapter, will bring compulsory medical treatment into the track of litigation and legalization, giving consideration to both humanitarianism and public safety.Can be said to be equal to the rule of law outside the country.However, this procedure and related system are in need of perfection both in law and practice.Therefore, the author applies the professional knowledge of law to uphold the concept of compulsory medical justice, through the methods of literature research, statistical investigation, semantic analysis and so on, from the point of view of compulsory medical treatment, basic concepts, characteristics, etc.Based on the basic theory, the article of Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China is further interpreted.Finally, after analyzing the practical problems in the basic contents of the law and the implementation problems in practice, some suggestions are put forward, which are expected to be beneficial to the development of compulsory medical procedures in China.In addition to the preface, the text is discussed from five parts.The first part is mainly about the historical investigation of the evolution of the right to health and the discussion of compulsory medical treatment. Through the main process of the evolution of the right to health in western countries, we can understand that the right to health has evolved from the issue of individual autonomy into a social public issue.Thus our country has established the public health security system, and proposed the compulsory medical treatment system.The second part is a summary of the basic connotation of compulsory medical care for mental patients without criminal responsibility, including its concept, characteristics, theoretical basis and a series of basic issues, so as to understand the relevant theory of compulsory medical care in detail.The third part makes us have a clear understanding of compulsory medical treatment by analyzing the basic content of compulsory medical treatment for mental patients who are not criminally responsible in our country.The fourth part is mainly on the basis of the full affirmation of compulsory medical treatment, through the analysis of its application in our country, the problems, including the legal provisions of the reality and the implementation of the problem in practice.In the fifth part, the author puts forward the suggestions of perfecting the compulsory medical system for mental patients who are not criminally responsible in our country, that is, the expansion of the scope of application, the clear stipulation of protective restraint measures, the construction of Ankang Hospital.The system of periodic diagnosis and evaluation, the limitation of compulsory medical term, the perfection of trial procedure, the establishment of accountability mechanism, etc.The author believes that compulsory medical treatment involves personal interests and social public interests, and its emergence provides a legal basis for judicial practice and is of landmark significance.Therefore, it is hoped that the whole society will take special care of this new procedure, so that it can truly take root in the soil of Chinese criminal justice.


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