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发布时间:2018-04-02 14:05

  本文选题:案外人第三人 切入点:权利救济 出处:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在我国民事诉讼的司法实践中,本诉当事人通过种种手段恶意侵害案外第三人合法权益的案件频繁出现,,不仅对案外第三人的合法权益造成了侵害,而且已经对我国的民事诉讼秩序和司法公信力造成了巨大的威胁和破坏,成为我国民事诉讼的一大诟病。本文通过分析和研究以往我国司法理论界和实务界提出并付诸实施的第三人参加诉讼制度、新民事诉讼法增加的第三人撤销之诉制度、传承的案外人异议之诉制度以及案外人申请再审制度,探求现有救济制度存在的缺陷、漏洞和不足之处,对相关救济制度进行分析、对比和重构。 本文分为引言和正文两部分。引言部分列举了我国民事诉讼制度中典型的侵害案外第三人合法权益的行为,重点分析了案外第三人合法权益遭受侵害的现状和发展趋势,指出了现行救济制度存在的缺陷。正文部分第一章为我国案外第三人权利救济之民事诉讼制度及原理,分析和研究了现行民事诉讼制度存在的缺陷、案外第三人权利救济制度的理论基础和共通性原理;第二章至第五章展开论述了第三人参加之诉、第三人撤销之诉、案外人异议之诉、案外人申请再审四种救济制度的立法目的、性质、功能、适格的当事人、适用条件和诉讼程序,并对相关制度存在的缺陷提出了自己的见解和立法建议,力求使上述救济制度能够更加有效地应对司法实践中存在的诸多问题,以期更有力的保护案外第三人的合法权益,增强民事诉讼法对案外第三人合法权益的救济功能,以维护法律权威、保证社会秩序的稳定和社会的协调发展,真正实现国家法治建设的目标。
[Abstract]:In the judicial practice of civil action in our country, the cases that the litigants in this lawsuit maliciously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the third party outside the case through various means appear frequently, which not only infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the third party outside the case,Moreover, it has caused great threat and destruction to the order of civil action and judicial credibility of our country, and has become a major criticism of civil litigation in our country.Through the analysis and study of the system of the third party's participation in litigation and the system of the third party's revocation proposed and put into practice in the field of judicial theory and practice in the past in our country, the new civil procedure law increases the system of the third party's revocation.This paper explores the defects, loopholes and deficiencies of the existing relief system, analyzes, compares and reconstructs the related relief system.This paper is divided into two parts: introduction and text.In the introduction part, the author lists the typical behaviors of infringing the lawful rights and interests of the third party outside the case in our country's civil litigation system, analyzes the current situation and development trend of the infringement of the lawful rights and interests of the third party outside the case, and points out the defects of the current relief system.The first chapter of the text is the civil litigation system and principle of the right relief of the third party outside the case in our country. It analyzes and studies the defects existing in the current civil litigation system, the theoretical basis and the common principle of the relief system of the third party's right outside the case.The second to fifth chapters discuss the legislative purpose, nature, function and appropriate parties of the four relief systems of the third party's participation, the third party's withdrawal, the case's outsider's dissent, the case's outsider's application for retrial.The author puts forward his own opinions and legislative suggestions on the defects of the relevant system, and tries to make the above relief system more effective to deal with many problems existing in the judicial practice.In order to more effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the third party outside the case, and enhance the relief function of the civil procedure law to the legal rights and interests of the third party outside the case, in order to safeguard the legal authority and ensure the stability of social order and the coordinated development of society,The goal of building the country's rule of law is truly realized.


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