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发布时间:2018-04-03 00:07

  本文选题:民事公益诉讼 切入点:适格原告 出处:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the civil public interest litigation system stipulated in the newly implemented "Civil procedure Law" has aroused widespread discussion from all walks of life in the society, and scholars have also carried on the corresponding discussion to the public interest litigation.Economic development and social change have brought a series of social problems, environmental pollution and consumer rights and interests have been infringed in endlessly.Due to the late start and immature development of civil public interest litigation in China,There is still a lack of specific legal provisions to solve the above problems. The institutional provisions on civil public interest litigation written into the Civil procedure Law in 2012 are still insufficient to solve the problems in practice.The neutrality of the judiciary prevents the court from hearing any case unless the subject initiates the action.Plaintiff is the most important issue in litigation, and it is an important prerequisite for public interest litigation to be carried out efficiently and fairly.Therefore, this article selects the public interest litigation system in the urgent need to clarify the problem-civil public interest litigation plaintiff qualification to discuss.The author holds that the plaintiff system of civil public interest litigation in our country should be composed of procuratorial organs, qualified social organizations and individuals, not including administrative organs.Around this viewpoint, this article is divided into two parts, a total of five chapters: the first part is the first chapter: the plaintiff summary of civil public interest litigation.This part first introduces the definition of public interest by scholars in different fields, and then briefly expounds the connotation of plaintiff qualification in civil public interest litigation.Then it analyzes the different theories of civil public interest litigation, affirms the theory of procedural parties and the interest theory of litigation as the theoretical basis of civil public interest litigation, and verifies theoretically the rationality of civil public interest litigation.The second part, from the second chapter to the fifth chapter, respectively discusses the popular subjects of public interest litigation in the form of special chapters-administrative organs, procuratorial organs, social organizations and individual citizens.The four chapters are basically the same style, citing famous cases in China in order to achieve vivid effect.The contents of each chapter generally include an overview, the legislation and litigation practice of each subject in China, the legal systems of some other countries and regions under the perspective of comparative law, and the feasibility of their being qualified plaintiffs in public interest litigation.However, in view of the characteristics of these four categories of subjects, the focus of attention is also slightly different. The administrative organs focus on analyzing the reasons why they should not be plaintiffs in public interest litigation, and the procuratorial organs pay some attention to summing up the present situation and problems.Social organizations mainly pay attention to the analysis and perfection of the existing laws and regulations, while individual citizens are more likely to explore the possibility of giving them the right of action in civil public interest litigation.


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