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发布时间:2018-04-03 00:08

  本文选题:公共利益 切入点:消费者保护 出处:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, the proportion of consumption in the market economy has become even more prominent. Zhong Shan, minister of commerce at the Fifth session of the Twelfth National people's Congress, said that in 2016, consumption in China has become the first driving force for the growth of the national economy.The contribution rate to economic growth has reached 64.6%. In the future development of market economy, consumption will become the backbone force to promote the sustained growth of national economy.However, in the increasingly expanding consumer market, consumer demand continues to grow and consumption structure is accelerated and upgraded, which makes the incidents of infringing on consumers' rights and interests occur frequently and in a diversified form.Especially involving the public interests of most of the consumers, this not only destroys the order of market economy, but also has a serious impact on all aspects of people's daily life.Therefore, the establishment of consumer public interest litigation system has become an indispensable system to protect the interests of vulnerable consumers and to maintain the order of market economy.The new Civil procedure Law establishes the consumer public interest litigation system from the legal level.Thus, it provides a new litigation mode for consumer rights and interests protection in the field of public interest. On May 1, 2016, the Supreme people's Court of the Supreme people's Court on the trial of consumer civil public interest litigation cases applicable to a number of issuesExplanation > (hereinafter referred to as "interpretation of Consumer Public interest Litigation") has further improved the consumer public interest litigation system.More attention to the protection of consumer rights and interests of the substantive aspects of relief, the introduction of the above legal and judicial interpretation of consumer public interest litigation in practice has an important guiding significance.However, since the establishment of the consumer public interest litigation system, there is not a complete consumer public interest litigation case in the judicial practice, and the legislation is only a provision of principle.The concrete application details in practice also need the real cases to be clear. Therefore, the problems existing in the system of consumer public interest litigation in our country need not only the perfection of legislation, but also the perfection of judicial practice.The paper is divided into four parts: the first part of the consumer public interest litigation system overview, mainly introduced the historical origin of consumer public interest litigation system and the basic concept, characteristics and functions;The second part combs the legislation and judicial status of the consumer public interest litigation system in China, and analyzes the shortcomings of the consumer public interest litigation system in China.The third part through the introduction of the American consumer group litigation system and the German consumer group litigation system related legislation and specific rules, compared with our consumer public interest litigation system.The fourth part is the main part of this paper, that is, the suggestions to consummate the consumer public interest litigation system of our country, including four aspects.One is to expand the scope of qualification of qualified plaintiff, the other is to establish incentive mechanism and overappeal prevention mechanism, the third is to set up the pre-litigation procedure, and the fourth is to increase the action of damages.The perfection of these specific systems makes up for the shortcomings of the traditional civil litigation mode, and makes the consumer public interest litigation system more comprehensive to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, thus further develop the national economy and maintain market order.


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