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发布时间:2018-04-03 02:41

  本文选题:恐怖活动犯罪 切入点:独立没收 出处:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the high pressure of international anti-terrorism, the concealment of terrorist activities is gradually enhanced. The crime is often carried out by several people or one person, but it brings great panic to the citizens, especially in recent Europe, the crime of terrorist activities occurs frequently.With the continuous development of confiscation theory in various countries, the confiscation of property involved in the case is no longer limited to the proceeds of crime, and the objects that need to be confiscated have gradually extended from proceeds to contraband.The property used in the crime and the property which constitutes the criminal act, etc.To clarify the nature of the confiscation of property involved in terrorist crimes, to analyze the objects of independent confiscation of property involved in terrorist crimes, to explore the shortcomings of current laws and to put forward corresponding suggestions, is not only conducive to cracking down on crimes of terrorist activities,It can also protect the legal rights of criminal suspects and defendants to the maximum extent, thus realizing the fight against terrorist activities and the protection of human rights.The article is about 30,000 words and consists of four parts.The first part is the concept and nature of the independent confiscation of property involved in terrorist crimes.It is the premise of the study to reasonably define the related concepts of the independent confiscation of property involved in the terrorist crime. Through the contrast and differentiation of the relevant concepts, the scope of the article is clarified.This paper analyzes the nature of the independent confiscation of property involved in terrorist crime, summarizes the academic analysis of the nature of property confiscation involved in the case by scholars in the past, and finally puts forward his own views.The second part discusses the necessity and feasibility of independent confiscation of property involved in terrorist activities.Article 280 of the Criminal procedure Law provides a legal basis for the confiscation of property involved in terrorist activities, and the situation of anti-terrorism in our country determines that the confiscation of property involved in terrorist crimes must be strictly carried out in our country.From the "Criminal Law Amendment 9" and the Anti-Terrorism Law, we can see that the system of independently confiscating the property involved in terrorist activities is becoming more and more perfect.The third part is to clarify the object of independent confiscation of property involved in terrorist activities.Through the straightening out of the criminal law and the criminal procedure law, together with the explanation of the related concepts, it can be concluded that there are three main objects of independent confiscation of the property involved in the crime of terrorist activity: first, the contraband in the crime of terrorist activity;The second is the illegal proceeds of the terrorist crime, and the third is the personal property of the terrorist crime.In the fourth part, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the confiscation of the property involved in terrorist crime from the two angles of entity and procedure.Because the crime of terrorist activities has a strong strike, involving a lot of property, the case is relatively complex, so when confiscating the property involved, the concept of confiscation, the standard of proof and the protection of interested parties all need to be further improved.


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