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发布时间:2018-04-03 10:58

  本文选题:未成年人 切入点:刑事司法 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近期,映入人们眼帘的重庆女童虐童事件深深的引发了人们的思考,年仅十岁的女孩拥有着天使的笑容却残酷的对一岁婴儿拳打脚踢,甚至将其从高楼扔下,这种暴力、罔顾生命的行为令人发指。而今未成年人犯罪案件屡增不减,性质恶劣程度已超出想象,对未成年人刑事审判机构的研究已经刻不容缓。 随着1984年上海市长宁区人民法院建立中国第一个未成年人法庭①,这是我国在未成年人刑事审判机构建立与改革上的里程碑,自此,未成年人司法制度在中国诞生了,对未成年人审判的研究从理论迈向了实践。30年以来人们对未成年人审判制度不断的探索与发展,从最初的建立,到巩固,逐渐的全面发展,甚至跨过最艰难的低谷,经过在这个过程中的不断创新,已经完成了从设置单一未成年人审判合议庭的未成年人法庭到包括未成年人刑事审判庭、未成年人案件综合审判庭以及未成年人案件指定管辖审判庭等多种形式的突破。而且随着未成年人审判机构的变化,也建立了一系列富有特色的工作制度,包括了寓教育于审、社会调查、综合治理、圆桌谈判、暂缓决定等,这一系列的工作制度是结合未成年人特点而制定的,在审判中给予未成年人更多的关怀和保护,实践表明,取得了一定的积极效果。但是,随着时代的发展、科技的进步,未成年人犯罪的数量在增加,更出现了集团化、暴力性的特点,这种复杂性和多样化以及未成年人本身的特殊性使得未成年人审判制度需不断改革创新,建立未成年人法院也成为顺应历史潮流的重要举措,根据对未成年人的特殊性、域外未成年人刑事审判机构模式、我国未成年人审判机构现状的分析,相信我国改革未成年人刑事审判机构,建立未成年人法院的理想是有必要的,也是一定能够实现的。
[Abstract]:Recently, the incident of child abuse among girls in Chongqing, which caught the attention of people, has deeply aroused people's thinking. The 10-year-old girl has an angel smile but brutally punches and kicks a one-year-old baby, and even throws it down from a tall building. This kind of violence,The act of ignoring life is outrageous.Nowadays, juvenile delinquency cases have increased repeatedly, the nature of the bad degree has exceeded imagination, it is urgent to study the juvenile criminal justice institutions.With the establishment of the first juvenile court in China by the Changning District people's Court of Shanghai in 1984, this is a milestone in the establishment and reform of juvenile criminal justice institutions in China. Since then, the juvenile justice system has been born in China.The research on juvenile justice has moved from theory to practice. Over the past 30 years, people have been exploring and developing the juvenile justice system, from the initial establishment, to the consolidation, to the gradual comprehensive development, and even to the most difficult valley.As a result of the continuous innovation in this process, has completed the establishment of a single juvenile trial collegial court to include the juvenile criminal court,Minor case comprehensive court and minor case assigned jurisdiction court and other forms of breakthrough.Moreover, with the changes in juvenile justice institutions, a series of characteristic work systems have also been established, including education for trial, social investigation, comprehensive management, round-table negotiations, suspension of decisions, and so on.This series of work system is formulated in combination with the characteristics of minors, giving minors more care and protection in the trial, the practice shows that certain positive results have been achieved.However, with the development of the times and the progress of science and technology, the number of juvenile delinquents is increasing, and the characteristics of collectivization and violence have emerged.This complexity and diversity, as well as the particularity of minors themselves, make it necessary to reform and innovate the juvenile justice system, and the establishment of juvenile courts has also become an important measure in keeping with the trend of history, according to the particularity of minors,Based on the analysis of the pattern of juvenile criminal trial institution and the present situation of juvenile trial institution in China, it is believed that the ideal of reforming juvenile criminal trial institution and establishing juvenile court in our country is necessary and can be realized.


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2 赵星;;设立未成年人法院的必要性、可行性及其方法[J];法学论坛;2008年05期

3 李敏;;少年审判:一片希望的沃土——少年法庭二十载的回顾与展望[J];中国审判;2007年02期




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