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发布时间:2018-04-03 22:30

  本文选题:司法 切入点:案件 出处:《天津师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前司法工作一项永恒不变的主题就是公正与效率,人民法院在进行司法审判工作中,要把社会效果、政治效果、法律效果的有机统一作为一项政治责任。为践行这一主题与责任,实践中开展了许多有益的尝试和探求,因此案件质量评估体系的适用逐步的被引用到了司法实践中。案件质量评估体系是指根据法院审判管理的需要,构建反映审判工作实际状况评估指标,通过量化方法对审判人员的办案质量与办案效率进行公正、效率、效果三个方面的客观评价的运作机制。 案件质量评估体系的适用,经历了由“粗糙”到成熟的过程,经历了从鲜为人知到普遍关注的处境转变,成为了审判工作中不可缺少的“支柱”,调解和指引着审判的运行。在此基础上,案件质量评估体系所发挥的重要积极作用是毋庸置疑的。但体系中的部分指标由于过分强调表面作用,忽略了实际意义,致使我们的审判脱离了实然规律,引发了一些问题。 本文以天津市南开区人民法院为视角,从案件质量评估体系考核的21项指标入手,对存在问题的数据进行了分析,并对此提出了修改、完善意见,以期对构建、完善科学合理的案件质量评估体系有所帮助。 本文分为五章,第一章为绪论,介绍了基层法院案件质量评估体系适用的相关概念。第二章阐述了基层法院案件质量评估体系适用的历史发展与现状。第三章具体分析了体系适用过程中所存在的问题,从公正、效果、效率指标中分别针对指标数据进行阐述。第四章针对体系适用中存在的问题找出合理对策及建议。第五章为结语。
[Abstract]:At present, justice and efficiency are the eternal themes of judicial work. The people's court should take the unity of social effect, political effect and legal effect as a political responsibility in the judicial work.In order to practice this theme and responsibility, many beneficial attempts and explorations have been carried out in practice, so the application of the case quality evaluation system has been gradually cited in judicial practice.The evaluation system of case quality refers to the construction of evaluation index reflecting the actual situation of trial work according to the needs of court trial management, and the fairness and efficiency of the case handling quality and efficiency of the trial personnel through the quantitative method.Three aspects of the effect of objective evaluation of the operational mechanism.The application of the case quality evaluation system has gone through the process from "rough" to "mature", and has gone through the transition from unknown to universal concern, and has become an indispensable "pillar" in the trial work, which mediates and guides the operation of the trial.On this basis, the case quality evaluation system plays an important and positive role is beyond doubt.However, some of the indicators in the system have neglected the practical significance because of the over-emphasis on the surface function, which has caused our trial to deviate from the actual law and cause some problems.From the angle of view of Tianjin Nankai District people's Court, this paper analyzes the data of the existing problems from the 21 indexes of the case quality evaluation system, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the construction of the case quality evaluation system.It is helpful to perfect the scientific and reasonable case quality evaluation system.This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, introduced the basic court case quality evaluation system applicable concepts.The second chapter expounds the historical development and present situation of the application of the case quality evaluation system in the grass-roots courts.The third chapter analyzes the problems in the application of the system, including justice, effect and efficiency.The fourth chapter finds out the reasonable countermeasures and suggestions for the problems existing in the application of the system.The fifth chapter is the conclusion.


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