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发布时间:2018-04-03 23:53

  本文选题:民事诉讼 切入点:立案登记制 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee decided to explicitly request that the system of filing and examination should be changed into the system of filing and registration. Subsequently, the comprehensive implementation of the system of filing and registering in the courts of our country opened a new chapter in the history of filing cases in the people's courts.The filing and registration system refers to the case of not registering and filing a case, except as stipulated in the provisions of the Supreme people's Court on the Registration of certain questions on filing a case by the people's Court, in which all the pleadings submitted by the parties are received and written vouchers are issued.Where the bill of complaint and relevant evidential materials meet the conditions prescribed by the Civil procedure Law, the case shall be registered on the spot.In Anglo-American legal system, the civil procedure law has a relatively loose stipulation on filing standard, so long as there is a real need for relief in substantive interests, it can be put on record.In the United States, civil action begins when the plaintiff submits a petition to the court.Upon receipt of the indictment, in addition to the lack of jurisdiction over the matter, the judge generally does not take the initiative to review the indictment, but instead issues a summons by the Registrar, and the accused shall file a reply within the time limit fixed.The threshold of civil procedure in civil law is higher than that in common law.In Germany, the filing of a complaint in accordance with German law signifies the commencement of the prosecution.After analyzing and comparing the filing and accepting systems in our country and other countries, domestic scholars believe that most countries implement the registration and filing system, so our country should conform to the trend of the times and realize the reform of the civil filing and registration system.And the implementation of the registration system has great advantages for the civil filing and examination system.Since the implementation of the civil filing and registration system in our country for more than two years, the people's courts have made great efforts to overcome the difficulties and have done a good job of "setting up a case and having a case must be justified" in accordance with the law, which has basically solved the problem of "filing a case with difficulty."Since the implementation of the civil filing and registration system in our country for more than two years, remarkable results have been achieved in various regions with different levels of economic development. For example, Henan, Shanghai, Hebei and other places have set an example one after another.At the same time, the efficiency of our country's trial has been improved, and the actual effect of distinguishing the prosecution elements from the litigation elements has been achieved.However, the newly established system must have some defects, and the system of filing and registration has a great influence on the court, which requires the court to perfect and reform its own work.The civil registration system has not established the corresponding effective supervision mechanism, and the reform is easy to appear a gust of wind, so the reform is difficult to carry on continuously.The people's lack of understanding of the civil registration system can easily lead to petition.First of all, we should perfect the system itself, perfect the procedure of civil filing and registration system, redesign civil pleadings and carry out registration through various channels.Second, improve the relevant supporting system.In the face of civil disputes to develop a variety of channels to resolve the mechanism, and strengthen the supervision mechanism of filing examination.Finally, we should make great efforts to publicize the achievements of the civil registration system, inspire the determination and confidence of all localities to continue the reform, and increase the people's trust in the reform.As the direct subject of the registration system, it is very important to strengthen the work management of the people's court.


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