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发布时间:2018-04-04 09:06

  本文选题:补强规则 切入点:罪体 出处:《环球法律评论》2017年05期

[Abstract]:Although the complementary rules of the United Kingdom and the United States are homologous, they deduce a very different development model.The reinforcement rule, which originated in the English common law practice, has been basically abolished in the present Britain, and discretionary warning plays an important role as an alternative measure.In the United States, two kinds of reinforcement rules have been developed. Although the reinforcement rules in rape cases are basically abolished, the reinforcement rules for out-of-court confessions still exist and have a profound impact on the current judicial practice.The change of Anglo-American reinforcement rules is of great significance to us. The panoramic display and description of the complete Anglo-American evidence law ecology can lay a solid foundation for theoretical analysis and reform.To study the reasons behind the change of the reinforcement rules and dig out the deep factors that affect the changes can provide reference for the perfection of the reinforcement rules in our country in the aspects of balancing public power and individual rights and responding to the local criminal judicial culture.
【作者单位】: 2011计划司法文明协同创新中心、中国政法大学证据科学研究院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金一般项目“认罪认罚从宽制度实施中的证据问题研究”(17BFX062) 教育部后期资助项目“证明力规则研究”(13JHQ021)的研究成果


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