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发布时间:2018-04-04 14:02

  本文选题:侦查人员 切入点:证人出庭作证 出处:《人民检察》2013年16期

[Abstract]:The second paragraph of Article 57 of the revised Criminal procedure Law stipulates: "if the existing evidentiary materials cannot prove the legality of the evidence collection, the people's Procuratorate may request the people's court to notify the relevant investigators or other personnel to appear before the court to explain the situation;"The people's court may notify the relevant investigators or other persons to appear before the court to explain the circumstances.Relevant investigators or other persons may also request to appear in court to explain the circumstances.Upon notification by the people's court, the persons concerned shall send out
【作者单位】: 江苏省淮安市淮阴区人民检察院;


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