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发布时间:2018-04-04 15:04

  本文选题:仲裁制度 切入点:民间性 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Arbitration, as a way to settle civil and commercial disputes, refers to the agreement reached by the parties to a dispute before or after the dispute.System and manner of voluntarily submitting the dispute to a neutral third party for adjudication.In China, arbitration, as a legal system transplanted from the West, has made great achievements.The formal establishment of the current mode of civil and commercial arbitration in China should be bounded by the promulgation of the Arbitration Law of the people's Republic of China on August 31, 1994.At this moment, the civil and commercial arbitration system of our country finally started.Since the date of implementation of the Arbitration Law, the construction of China's national commercial arbitration system has entered a fast track, and the study of arbitration theory has also been on the rise.It has formed the legal foundation for the development of our country's arbitration system and the arbitration institution, and has played a milestone role in the history of our country's arbitration development. It indicates that the construction of China's arbitration system is moving towards the direction of standardization and internationalization.Greatly promoted the arbitration system construction.However, in the field of arbitration theory research, the vast majority of scholars in the theoretical circle have greatly questioned the folklore of China's civil and commercial arbitration system, calling for "deadministrative", that is, the arbitration system should be purely folk.We should give up the current administrative color, and put forward a lot of criticism on the nature of the present arbitration system and the form of the arbitration institution, which is not conducive to the development of the arbitration system in China.This paper begins with the analysis of the civil and commercial arbitration system of our country, first of all, expounds the present situation of civil and commercial arbitration system in our country, and analyzes the dispute root of the civil and commercial arbitration system in our country at the present stage.Secondly, it focuses on the analysis of the causes of the administrative color of the civil and commercial arbitration system at the present stage of our country, mainly analyzes the basis of the civil and commercial arbitration system in our country at present, the influence of the legal environment on the arbitration system and the current management mode of the arbitration institution.Secondly, it mainly analyzes the decisive effect of the parties' voluntary nature on the characteristics of the civil and commercial arbitration system of our country at present, and further clarifies that the voluntary nature of the parties is the most direct element of the civil nature of the arbitration system.It points out the concrete embodiment of the parties' voluntariness in the process of arbitration, and expounds the irreplaceable nature of the parties' voluntary nature.Thirdly, by analyzing the sources of the credibility of the arbitration system in our country, the author explains that the mode of the arbitration system in our country at present is in line with the current political, economic and social environment;Fourth, the analysis of the temporary arbitration system can be introduced at any time to verify the current arbitration system in China.


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