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发布时间:2018-04-05 00:01

  本文选题:刑事审判 切入点:庭前会议 出处:《贵州民族大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:A pre-trial meeting is a pre-trial preparatory meeting convened before a trial.The present criminal procedure law of our country has added the pretrial conference system, so that the criminal pretrial conference system with Chinese characteristics has formed its embryonic form.The system of pre-court meeting should be defined as an independent, consultative, non-compulsory, pre-trial procedure between public prosecution review and criminal trial.The system of conference before the criminal court has its own unique function expectation: the function of trial preparation, the function of diversion and filtering, and the function of resolving contradiction.Only when we fully base ourselves on the original intention of legislation and exert its function to the greatest extent can we realize the procedural justice, improve the efficiency of litigation and guarantee the necessary value of litigation rights.However, the pretrial conference system in China is based on the experience of foreign legislation and judicial practice.Both legislative level and legal application level, there are defects and problems.At the legislative level, the main problems include: the provisions of the pre-court meeting system to the convener are too general; the judges are given too much decision-making power to convene the pre-court meeting; whether the accused participates in the pre-court meeting is generalized;The actual function of the conference system before the court is not enough, and the decision on substantive issues is not clear and so on.Since the implementation of the pre-court conference system, the effect is obvious, but there are still many problems, such as non-standard judicial practice, formal problems in the application of the pre-court conference system, and it is difficult to rule out judges' prejudgement and so on.Since the pre-court meeting was established on the basis of drawing lessons from the pre-court preparation procedures and the pretrial examination procedures of foreign countries for many years, the author traced back to the source and analyzed and compared the operating procedures of the typical pre-court preparation procedures in foreign countries.To explore the solution to the application of the pretrial conference system in China.Finally, it is concluded that in order to perfect the pre-court meeting system with Chinese characteristics and solve the problems in practice, we should first set up a modern judicial concept, base on the current judicial situation of our country, and give consideration to fairness and efficiency.Pay attention to mediation and consultation, on the early resolution of contradictions and disputes is the proper meaning of the application of the law.On the legislative level, the author suggests the establishment of a mechanism in which the trial judge is the leading member and the assistant judge is involved, so as to ensure the defendant's right to participate, and to limit the arbitrariness of the judge's pre-court meeting procedure according to the different circumstances of the case.The design of the system to maximize the function of the conference system before the trial.In terms of the application of the law, the author believes that the specific operating rules for the application of the system should be standardized, with the concerted assistance of the public prosecution organs and the judicial organs, to increase the enthusiasm for participating in the pre-trial meetings and to expand the effectiveness of the resolutions made by the pre-trial meetings.So that more procedural or substantive problems can be resolved in the pre-trial meeting, to ensure the smooth trial and improve judicial efficiency.Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the role of assistant judges, perfect the linkage mechanism of communication and coordination among the three parties, perfect the selection mechanism of judges, strengthen the function of legal supervision, and ensure the realization of the necessary value of the pre-court meeting system.


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