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发布时间:2018-04-05 00:13

  本文选题:刑讯逼供 切入点:非法证据排除 出处:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑讯逼供作为一种极其恶劣的刑事司法审讯方法,在我国诞生于遥远的奴隶社会,随后一直以合法形式存在两千多年直至清末,在中国古代刑事诉讼中扮演着极其重要的作用。新中国成立后,虽然《刑事诉讼法》明文规定禁止一切形式的刑讯逼供,但在司法实践中,尤其在公安现实的刑事案件办案过程中,受限于“命案必破”、“要案必破”、“破案率上升”等行政指标以及社会舆论压力等,刑讯逼供事件仍然时有曝光,屡禁不止,,因此发生了诸如“聂树斌案”、“赵作海案”等屈打成招的冤假错案,刑事司法公信力丧失殆尽。 为了切实推动法治中国建设进程,遵照习近平总书记提出的“努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中都感受到公平正义”的重要指示精神,本文共分为三个部分,第一部分通过对具有较大影响力的河南商丘赵作海冤案的“庖丁解牛”式的分析,引出刑讯逼供的定义、历史背景,概念、特点做一简述,对其存在的根源与现实发展情况进行深入剖析,引起读者思考;第二部分是对刑讯逼供的在我国制度上的设计及漏洞进行论证;第三部分,笔者批判以往在立法层面防止刑讯逼供相关努力的局限性和不可操作性,尝试结合新刑诉法明确提出的“非法证据排除”、“不得强迫自证其罪”原则,以“杜绝冤假错案”为终极目标,尝试提出在现有条件下,通过制度改革、机制完善等来切实减少刑讯逼供事件,继而有效减少冤假错案发生。针对公安人员在侦查讯问中出现的刑讯逼供现象,结合公安工作实际,从提高思想意识,提升业务能力开始,使用多方位的监督机制和现代化刑事技术、手段,以期对遏制刑讯逼供现象有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Extorting confessions by torture, as a very bad method of criminal judicial interrogation, was born in a distant slave society in China, and then existed in legal form for more than two thousand years until the end of Qing Dynasty, which played an extremely important role in the criminal proceedings in ancient China.After the founding of the people's Republic of China, although the Criminal procedure Law explicitly prohibited all forms of torture to extract confessions, in judicial practice, especially in the process of handling criminal cases in the reality of public security, it was restricted by "homicide cases must be solved" and "important cases must be solved."Administrative indicators such as "rising crime detection rates" and pressure from public opinion, the case of extorting confessions by torture is still exposed from time to time, and repeated prohibitions continue. As a result, such as the "Nie Shubin case" and "Zhao Zuohai case", cases of unjust falsehood and error have occurred.The credibility of criminal justice is lost.In order to effectively promote the process of building China under the rule of law, and in accordance with the important directive of General Secretary Xi Jinping "to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case," this article is divided into three parts.The first part introduces the definition, historical background, concept and characteristics of extorting confessions by torture through the analysis of "Pao Ding Jie Niu" in the grievance case of Zhao Zuohai in Shangqiu, Henan Province.The source of its existence and the actual development of the in-depth analysis, causing readers to think; the second part of the torture in our system design and loopholes are demonstrated; the third part,The author criticizes the limitation and inoperability of the previous efforts to prevent the extortion of confessions by torture at the legislative level, and attempts to combine with the principle of "exclusion of illegal evidence" and "not to compel self-incrimination", which is clearly put forward in the new Criminal procedure Law.Taking "putting an end to false and false cases" as the ultimate goal, this paper tries to put forward that under the existing conditions, through the reform of the system and the perfection of the mechanism, the incidents of extorting confessions by torture can be effectively reduced, and the occurrence of cases of false and wrong wrongs and wrongs will be effectively reduced.In view of the phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture in the course of investigation and interrogation by public security personnel, combining with the reality of public security work, starting with raising the ideological awareness and enhancing the professional ability, the public security personnel should use a multi-directional supervision mechanism and modern criminal techniques and means.In order to curb the phenomenon of extortion of confessions by torture.


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