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发布时间:2018-04-05 04:18

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 切入点:条件 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前我国刑事诉讼法已经进入理论法学的阶段,众多基础理论互相作用构造出一座秩序井然的理论大厦。但是,由于各种原因,刑事诉讼条件作为一个重要的刑诉概念一直没有被纳入理论研究的范畴,最重要的原因在于我国关于刑事诉讼关系和状态的研究尚不足够充分。而刑事诉讼条件有关理论的着眼点又在于刑事诉讼关系和状态学说,对于刑事诉讼条件的研究不能孤立需要和刑事诉讼关系等概念紧密结合相互补充。 因此,本文共分四个部分,第一章是刑诉条件的基础理论的分类的具体阐述,重点分析了刑事诉讼条件与其他相似概念的区别和相同之处。第二章则对于刑事诉讼条件理论在国外的发展状况和实践经验作了具体的介绍,分英美法系、日本、韩国和我国台湾地区四个区域系统比较了刑事诉讼条件的功用性及对我国的借鉴意义。在此基础上,第三章回到国内呈现了刑事诉讼条件在我国的发展史和实际运用情况,从条文解析和诉讼效果等层面深入展示刑事诉讼条件在我国刑事诉讼活动程序中的重要地位。最后第四章将我国当前刑事诉讼发展实际与刑事诉讼条件相关理论结合起来,论述在我国构建一个合理有序的刑事诉讼条件体系的可能性和必要性,不论在理论还是实践层面,刑事诉讼条件理论都对我国加速刑事诉讼立法进程和改进司法实践有所裨益。 总而言之,全文试图通过寻找中国同日本、德国等成文法国家在深受大陆法系法律习惯影响的前提下关于理念和观点的共通之处,对这些国家刑事诉讼条件的发展进行体系化的研究,以期早日将其纳入我国刑事诉讼法学立法的轨道,科学有序地指导司法实务工作,完善我国刑事诉讼法学的理论大厦。
[Abstract]:At present, China's criminal procedure law has entered the stage of theoretical jurisprudence, and many basic theories interact to construct an orderly theoretical edifice.However, due to various reasons, the condition of criminal procedure as an important concept of criminal prosecution has not been brought into the scope of theoretical research, the most important reason is that the study on the relationship and state of criminal procedure in our country is not enough.However, the theory of criminal procedural conditions focuses on the theory of criminal procedural relationship and state. The study of criminal procedural conditions cannot be isolated from the need and the concept of criminal procedural relationship can not be closely combined with each other.Therefore, this paper is divided into four parts, the first chapter is the specific description of the classification of the basic theory of criminal prosecution conditions, focusing on the differences and similarities between the conditions of criminal proceedings and other similar concepts.The second chapter introduces the development and practical experience of the theory of conditions of criminal procedure in foreign countries, divided into Anglo-American law system, Japan,Four regional systems in South Korea and Taiwan have compared the function of criminal procedure conditions and their reference significance to our country.On this basis, the third chapter presents the development history and practical application of the conditions of criminal procedure in China.From the aspect of clause analysis and litigation effect, the paper deeply demonstrates the important position of criminal procedure condition in criminal procedure procedure in our country.Finally, the fourth chapter combines the current development of criminal procedure with the relevant theories of criminal procedure conditions, and discusses the possibility and necessity of constructing a reasonable and orderly criminal procedure condition system in our country, whether in theory or practice.The theory of the condition of criminal procedure is helpful to accelerate the legislative process of criminal procedure and improve judicial practice.In a word, the thesis tries to find common ideas and viewpoints between China and Japan, Germany and other statutory countries under the influence of civil law law.This paper makes a systematic study on the development of the conditions of criminal procedure in these countries in order to bring it into the orbit of the legislation of criminal procedure law of our country as soon as possible, to guide the judicial practice work scientifically and orderly, and to perfect the theoretical edifice of criminal procedure law of our country.


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