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发布时间:2018-04-05 18:33

  本文选题:滥用市场支配地位 切入点:原告资格 出处:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the private implementation of Anti-monopoly Law, due to the imperfection of relevant theory and legal system, there are many problems to be discussed in the civil litigation of abusing the dominant position of the market, such as the definition of disputes, the qualification and expansion of the plaintiff.The connection of civil action and administrative law enforcement procedure, the rules of evidence, group procedure, litigation expenses, civil liability, etc., because of the limited space and knowledge, only a few problems are selected to be analyzed in detail.First of all, starting from the basic theory of abusing the dominant position of the market, this paper discusses the definition of the civil dispute of abusing the dominant position of the market, and points out that civil disputes which need to be judged on the basis of the relevant provisions of abusing the dominant position of the market in the Anti-monopoly Law.Both of them belong to civil disputes of abusing dominant position of market, and the characteristics of civil disputes of abusing dominant position of market are analyzed, such as specialty, public welfare and unequal litigant power of litigants.Secondly, by comparing the standard and limitation standard of plaintiff's qualification in the civil action of abusing market dominant position, and on the basis of analyzing and evaluating the relevant provisions of plaintiff's qualification in civil lawsuit of abusing market dominant position in our country,The author advocates that the standard of "benefit of action" and "standard of influence" should be adopted as the standard of determining the qualification of plaintiff in civil litigation of abusing market dominant position and clarifying the specific scope of qualification of plaintiff.Thirdly, it discusses the relationship between civil litigation of abusing market dominant position and administrative procedure of anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies, and combines with the provisions of anti-monopoly laws and regulations in China.This paper puts forward some suggestions to strengthen the coordination between the court and the antitrust law enforcement agency in the separate litigation and to respect the effectiveness of the administrative decision of the antitrust law enforcement agency in the subsequent litigation.Finally, we can improve the evidence rules of abuse of market dominant position in our country from three aspects: diversification of evidence collection methods, lightening the burden of proof of plaintiff and strengthening the role of antitrust law enforcement agencies in civil litigation.


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