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发布时间:2018-04-05 20:57

  本文选题:服刑 切入点:人员 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The Chinese Government has always attached importance to the protection of the rights of prisoners.The Chinese Constitution, the Criminal Law, the Criminal procedure Law, the Prison Law, and other laws clearly stipulate the lawful rights of the prisoners, such as their right to survive, their person, their property, their religious beliefs, their complaints, their complaints, their whistleblower, and their legal family members' knowledge.Basic rights in communication and meeting with relatives, education, criminal and administrative rewards.This paper mainly introduces the definition of the rights of the prisoners, including the characteristics, classification and content of the rights of the prisoners, and analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the system of protecting the rights of the prisoners.In the United States, Britain, Canada and other countries, the practice of reducing the application of custodial penalties has been achieved. They have developed and put into use various risk assessment tools, new scientific and technological electronic surveillance techniques, and cultural education in prisons.Such programs as vocational skills training, so that the less dangerous offenders are not detained in prison facilities, or prisoners in prison facilities released into the community as soon as possible, and achieved good results.For older offenders, pregnant and lactating women are kept as little as possible, reducing prison overcrowding and spending less on prison sentences.Imprisonment is a costly way to make bad people worse. Strengthening relationships between inmates and their families and communities is the best way to reduce recidivism and avoid relegation to prison terms.Although different countries have different national conditions, correctional traditions and different cultures, the core of the management of prisoners is to ensure the security of prisons and to respect the human rights of prisoners.Through comparison and analysis, this paper actively absorbs the practices and experiences of foreign countries in the protection of human rights, and promotes the continuous improvement of the system of protecting the rights of prisoners in our country.Although China and Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries have large gaps in social systems, economic development levels, and educational levels, they have been correcting prisoners, helping them to return to society, and reducing and preventing crimes.There are many similarities or similarities in the protection of citizens.China's prisons are advanced in the areas of law enforcement, ideological reform, cultural education, labor reform, and so on, and the results are remarkable. We must unswervingly adhere to them.At the same time, we should actively study and draw lessons from the successful practices in the system of protecting the rights of prisoners in the world, and continue to promote the prison work in our country.The idea of perfecting the system of protecting the rights of prisoners in our country includes: perfecting and perfecting the legal system of protecting the rights of prisoners, the relevant normative documents of the system to guarantee the effect of educational reform, and making full use of social resources.Improve the socialization mechanism of prisoners.


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