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发布时间:2018-04-08 09:42

  本文选题:审判信息公开 切入点:司法公正 出处:《海南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:It is necessary for our country to build a socialist country ruled by law to promote the publicity of judicial information in an all-round way. It is also an important measure to realize judicial independence and impartiality, to enhance judicial credibility, to promote judicial supervision and to protect citizens' right to know.Open trial information is an important content of judicial information disclosure, which runs through the whole process of litigation. Of course, the realization of open trial information also has a better guarantee of judicial independence and impartiality, better protection of civil rights and so on.Since the judicial reform was put forward, the publicity of trial information has been gradually promoted in the people's courts at all levels in our country, and has made certain achievements. For example, the scope of open trial information has been expanded, the channels of opening trial information have become more and more diversified, and so on.Judicial transparency has been significantly improved.However, for some reasons, some regulations have not been really implemented, and the public implementation of trial information is not thorough enough.As an important content of judicial information publicity, the open trial information has an important position. This paper studies the concrete problems existing in the practice of the trial information publicity, and then puts forward the relevant perfect suggestions.It is beneficial to the construction of an open system of trial information, which conforms to the interests of the country and the people and the direction of judicial development, which is of inevitable social significance to the construction of a socialist society ruled by law in an all-round way.In this paper, the following three modules will be used to explain the issue of open trial information in China: the first part mainly introduces the concept and value of trial information disclosure.The first part is to solve the problem of what is the trial information, to define the scope of the trial information, to lay the theoretical foundation for the following; the second is to elaborate the value of the trial information publicity.Open trial information is not only helpful to promote judicial independence and impartiality and enhance judicial credibility, but also an important way to protect citizens' right to know. In addition, open trial information is to make the trial activities of the court completely public.So that the public can understand the work of judicial staff and realize the supervision of judicial activities.It is because of the unique value of open trial information that it is worth our effort to study and discover problems and put forward solutions.The second part mainly analyzes the current situation and existing problems of court trial information disclosure in our country.First of all, this part requires a relatively accurate analysis of the current situation of the disclosure of trial information in China. Only when the analysis of the present situation is accurate, can the problem be identified as a practical problem and the suggestions put forward have practical value.At present, there are differences in the degree and manner of disclosure of court information in various regions and levels of our country. By reading the relevant documents, I browse the official websites of people's courts at all levels and the special websites for information disclosure.This paper investigates the current situation of the disclosure of judicial information in Chinese courts, and sums up the problems existing in the publicity of judicial information in our country, including the lack of legal support, the lack of supervision and relief mechanism, the lack of comprehensive and timely disclosure of information, and so on.The third part is to put forward some suggestions on the problems of open trial information in our country.In view of the problems existing in the publicity of trial information in our country, the author puts forward the following suggestions: perfecting legislation, establishing supervision and relief mechanism, and training the judicial organs' correct understanding of the publicity.This paper clarifies the scope of open trial information and the ways to construct open trial information.


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