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发布时间:2018-04-08 12:40

  本文选题:司法性 切入点:权责统一 出处:《人民检察》2017年02期

[Abstract]:In order to improve and implement the judicial responsibility system effectively and effectively, the procuratorial organs must focus on the establishment of a unified judicial responsibility system with the aim of defining the relationship, determining the main body, defining the authority, and recognizing the responsibility as the starting point.Focus on resolving the impact of judicial justice and restriction of judicial capacity deep-level problems.First, to straighten out the relationship between procuratorial integration and procuratorial independence is the basic premise of correctly understanding and applying the relationship between procuratorial integration and judicial responsibility system.In a broad sense, procuratorial integration refers to procuratorial independence, that is, procuratorial organs exercise procuratorial power independently according to law, and internally refer to business.
【作者单位】: 海南省人民检察院第二分院;


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