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发布时间:2018-04-09 18:11

  本文选题:少年 切入点:少年司法 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1899年美国伊利诺斯州建立第一个少年法院以来,少年司法制度已历经一百多年的发展。少年司法制度已经成为一个国家法治化进程的重要标志。保护处分制度是少年司法制度的重要组成部分,并成为目前世界各国对违法犯罪少年的处遇模式。但是我国少年司法制度中,并没规定少年保护处分制度。我国目前的少年司法制度仍是少年刑事司法制度,对犯罪少年的主要处理措施,仍是以刑罚为支配地位的。于此同时,一些实施严重不良行为的少年被我国少年司法制度边缘化处理。简而言之,我国少年司法制度刑事色彩过浓,缺乏福利性色彩。我国少年司法制度要摆脱目前发展中面临的困境,保护处分制度提供了一个良性的选择。本文拟通过对少年保护处分制度的源起、内涵等方面的研究,在分析我国目前少年司法制度所面临的困境的基础上,构建符合我国国情的少年保护处分制度。 本文主要分为四章,第一章主要论述了少年保护处分制度基础理论,包括少年保护处分制度的源起、理论基础、概念、种类,并从对象、审判组织、处遇、程序等四个方面对少年保护处分制度的内涵进行阐释。少年保护处分制度是一个完整的制度,其福利性措施能够有效地实现对“特殊”少年的教育与矫治。 第二章对我国少年司法理念以及我国目前少年司法制度发展的现状,进行分析,说明我国构建少年保护处分制度的必要性。 第三章主要论证了我国构建少年保护处分制度的可行性。从我国是否具备构建少年保护处分制度的理论基础、条件,以及少年司法实践是否提供有利借鉴等方面进行分析。 第四章在对国外相关制度进行分析的基础上,对比研究,构建符合我国国情的少年保护处分制度。首先构建我国少年保护处分体系。其次是对保护处分制度具体的设计,包括保护程序的启动,审理原则、审理程序等。
[Abstract]:Since the establishment of the first juvenile court in Illinois in 1899, juvenile justice system has been developed for more than one hundred years.Juvenile justice system has become an important symbol of the process of rule of law in a country.The system of protection and punishment is an important part of juvenile justice system, and it has become the mode of dealing with juvenile delinquents all over the world.However, in our juvenile justice system, there is no provision for juvenile protection and punishment system.China's current juvenile justice system is still the juvenile criminal justice system, and the main measures to deal with juvenile delinquency are still dominated by punishment.At the same time, some juvenile who carry out serious bad behavior are marginalized by our juvenile justice system.In short, our juvenile justice system is too strong in criminal color, lack of welfare color.In order to get rid of the predicament in the development of juvenile justice system in our country, the system of protection and punishment provides a benign choice.Based on the study of the origin and connotation of juvenile protection and punishment system, and on the basis of analyzing the difficulties faced by our country's juvenile justice system at present, this paper intends to construct a juvenile protection and punishment system in accordance with the national conditions of our country.This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the basic theory of juvenile protection and punishment system, including the origin, theoretical basis, concept, types, and from the object, trial organization, treatment.Procedure and other four aspects to explain the connotation of juvenile protection and punishment system.Juvenile protection and punishment system is a complete system, and its welfare measures can effectively realize the education and correction of "special" juveniles.The second chapter analyzes the concept of juvenile justice and the current situation of the development of juvenile justice system in China, and explains the necessity of constructing juvenile protection and punishment system in China.The third chapter mainly demonstrates the feasibility of constructing juvenile protection punishment system in China.This paper analyzes whether China has the theoretical basis and conditions for constructing juvenile protection and punishment system, and whether the practice of juvenile justice provides beneficial reference.Chapter four, based on the analysis of foreign related systems, constructs the juvenile protection and punishment system in accordance with the situation of our country.First of all, the construction of juvenile protection punishment system.The second is the specific design of protective punishment system, including the initiation of protective procedures, trial principles, trial procedures, and so on.


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