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发布时间:2018-04-09 20:48

  本文选题:律师会见权 切入点:被告人会见权 出处:《法学家》2013年06期

[Abstract]:The present criminal procedure law defines the right of seeing only as "the right to meet with lawyers", which has its limitations.In a complete sense, the right of meeting should also include "the criminal suspect in custody, the defendant requests to meet with the defense lawyer."Moreover, the law of our country only recognizes the "right of passive defence" of the criminal suspect and the accused, that is, the right of defense to be exercised by the defence counsel, the criminal suspect and the accused being the holders of the right to defend,On many occasions, he was denied the opportunity to exercise his right to defence and became an "incompetent person" in the exercise of his right to defence.In order to ensure that the accused is given the opportunity of "effective defence" and that the accused is effectively urged to defend a lawyer, it is necessary to establish the "right of the accused to an autonomous defence" and to ensure that the accused has the opportunity to personally exercise the right to interview and to read papers,Apply for investigation right, thus form a kind of joint force with lawyer's defense right.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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