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发布时间:2018-04-10 20:52

  本文选题:人力资源 + 法官 ; 参考:《西华大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Justice is the last line of defense of social relief. In the process of promoting the construction of the rule of law, the judge, as the bearer of the judicial trial system, has a bearing on the fairness and justice of the judicature, and on the credibility of the judicature.Related to social harmony and stability, related to the level of rule of law construction, related to the public confidence in the construction of the rule of law.Therefore, this article chooses the judge group as the research object, takes the human resources as the angle of view to carry on the research to its competency characteristic, constructs the competency characteristic model, not only has the theory significance, but also has the positive realistic significance.On the basis of reviewing the relevant theories of human resources such as judges, competency and competency models, this paper analyzes the present situation of judges' quality by combining the changes of judges' qualities since the reform and opening up.Then through literature review, expert interview method to determine the judge competency, and then according to the determined competency to prepare a questionnaire for pre-test.By analyzing the pre-test results, listening to the opinions of experts, revising and perfecting the forecast questionnaire, determining the formal questionnaire and collecting the data.After data collection, Excel software is used to process the data.Secondly, the descriptive statistical analysis is carried out by using SPSS software, and the data is screened and merged further. After verifying the validity of the data, the exploratory factor analysis of the data is carried out.Through the principal component analysis of the data, the common factor whose characteristic value is greater than 1 is extracted as the key index of competency, and the professional ethics, professional ability, learning ability, political and humanistic accomplishment are constructed.A judge competency model composed of 14 factors of competency in 5 dimensions of work attitude.Finally, the reliability of the questionnaire is tested.Then, on the basis of systematic analysis and explanation of each competency of competency model, this paper analyzes the practical application of the model in the selection of judges' post system and judges' training, and provides a scientific reference for the selection of judges.At the same time for the purpose of improving the competence of judges training recommendations.


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