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发布时间:2018-04-11 03:27

  本文选题:民事执行听证 + 执行裁决权 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"Difficult to implement" and "implementation of chaos" has been the two aspects of implementation has been heavily criticized. The effective legal documents have not been implemented, damage the judicial authority and the court's judgment, derived from the "difficult to execute" one word. "Implementation of chaos" refers to the violation of the provisions of the law enforcement behavior are carried out. Admittedly, a lot of "difficult to execute" phenomenon, not unrelated to the "implementation of chaos". The "difficult to execute", after all, involved in the economic system, political system and other external reasons, the court has single handedly in the short term can not crack, but for the "implementation of chaos", the vast majority of internal reasons caused by the court. Implementation of standard and public execution methods by some means in the short term, is expected to improve and eradicate. It is for such confidence and determination, as a response to the implementation of hearing a disorderly execution of public measures "As far as possible. The enforcement hearing will oversee every case of execution are placed in the both parties and the society, enhance the implementation of transparency. To strengthen the party consciousness, the burden of the outsider, and achieve justice, regulate the implementation of more than ten years of time since 2000 1., the National Multiple court actively introduce the implementation of hearing and obtained good results. But because of the lack of a unified law enforcement hearing, the rules around the court is too casual, in the application process also exposed the unknown value function for the implementation of the hearing procedure, the hearing procedure execution tool etc. some shortcomings and deficiencies. Indeed, because of the civil execution hearing of to execute the program, in terms of neutrality, finality, reflect fair value terms and trial procedures so far, civil execution hearing procedures have Can more fair, more easily accepted by the parties and other groups and proficiency, which need to be carefully observed. But the implementation of the concept of the hearing procedure execution remedy, we note that in recent years, with the gradual spread of the rule of law, on the implementation of relief methods, understanding the legislative and judicial in ascension, begin to pay attention to the judicial power to regulate the use, this is the fact the vigorous development of civil execution hearing practice. Hearing with justice, procedural, openness, direct words, characteristics of legal defense, and it has convenient, flexible and standard operation advantage that is very suitable for to be introduced in the implementation of relief. Agencies in the implementation of national force, authority is very strong, but in the implementation of the relief procedures should respect the parties " "Give the parties sufficient procedural rights, and maximize the protection of parties and the parties procedural relief needs. At the same time we must clarify the trial boundaries and the civil trial, the design of matching rules of evidence, in terms of efficiency but also pay attention to their own position, to prevent the abuse of the hearing procedure. In the fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, < > decision a number of major issues on promoting the rule of law pointed out that to improve the judicial system, promote the reform of the pilot implementation of judicial power and executive power. The separation of the day before, the Supreme People's Court promulgated the" on deepening the comprehensive reform of the people's court opinions, including "deepen system reform" has been clearly stated. The study of this paper has a certain practical significance in the implementation of the reform process, forward-looking and operability is strong, hope to regulate the implementation of work Wrbanization. This article from a case of the enforcement hearing, from the perception of our civil execution hearing procedure is lack of legal basis in the case of application, not a rule, the legal effect is unknown and so many problems, this paper introduces the original conception and its objective significance and research methods. The first part of the connotation from the civil execution hearing procedure the sources and characteristics of three aspects, introduced the basic theory of civil execution hearing. The basic situation of the legislation and practice based on the second part of our civil execution hearing procedures in the analysis of more than 10 years of rapid development of civil execution hearing practice, the program has a certain utility value in the course of execution, practice on the other hand also exposed four major problems, the causes of the problem, there are some differences between the executive power and authority of judicature, execution of the hearing There is a contradiction between the final ruling and ruling, there are some other reasons split between the formal review between the neutrality of the enforcement hearing procedures and enforcement of mandatory conflict and enforcement hearing procedures and substantive adjudication are closely connected. The third part is the analysis of Switzerland, Germany, Japan and Taiwan, the four countries or in the civil execution relief system of extraterritorial provisions, obtain some beneficial enlightenment from it. The fourth part is the comprehensive reform of the rule of law, the separation between the judicial power and the executive power under the ink on the implementation of China's civil procedure and improve the path from the value function, the basic principles and rules of procedure the aspects of how to further improve China's civil execution hearing procedure.



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