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发布时间:2018-04-11 05:19

  本文选题:公诉裁量 + 公诉裁量模式 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:公诉裁量现象在公诉权的运行过程中普遍存在,对公诉裁量的研究有助于公诉权的理论发展。本书以公诉裁量为研究对象,立足于我国的立法规定和司法实践,对我国的公诉裁量制度进行了理性的分析,提出了完善我国公诉裁量的理论见解与制度构想。 本书共有四章组成。 第一章对公诉裁量进行了概述。本章首先对公诉权在我国的发展进行了分析,简要介绍了公诉裁量的发展脉络。论及对公诉裁量的初步认识,笔者赞同戴维斯的界定,将裁量界定为公权力限度内在作为和不作为方案中自由作出选择,由此认为公诉裁量是公诉权主体在其享有的公诉权界限内,在所有可能的方案中自由作出选择的过程。同时,笔者认为公诉裁量和其他裁量相比有其特殊性。本章还对公诉裁量的法理基础进行了论证,主要从历史前提、现实原因、思想基础三方面进行论证。 第二章对公诉裁量模式进行了考察。本章分别从公诉法定模式和公诉便宜模式的含义、典型立法例以及模式存在的利弊进行详细论述,并分别选出了美国与德国作为代表性的国家对公诉便宜模式和公诉法定模式进行了分析。随后在第三节中对两种模式融合的趋势进行了分析。 第三章主要是结合实务经验论述了一下公诉裁量的运行。就公诉裁量的生成而言,由于我国实行检察一体原则,“审者不定、定者不审”问题一直饱受诟病,但是笔者认为这一问题可以通过责任区分制得到解决。公诉裁量在起诉和不起诉案件中都存在,在起诉案件中表现为选择起诉、变更起诉、补充起诉即撤回起诉。刑事和解和附条件不起诉内容的增加表明了2013年《刑事诉讼法》对不起诉裁量权的肯定和完善。 第四章探讨了对公诉裁进行控制的方式。首先是以标准进行源头控制,其次是以监量实现外部控制,最后是以评价机制实现对公诉裁量的导向控制。
[Abstract]:The phenomenon of public prosecution discretion exists in the operation of public prosecution, and the study of public prosecution discretion is helpful to the development of the theory of public prosecution.This book takes the discretion of public prosecution as the research object, based on the legislative provisions and judicial practice of our country, carries on the rational analysis to our country's public prosecution discretion system, and puts forward the theoretical opinion and the system conception of perfecting our country's public prosecution discretion.The book consists of four chapters.The first chapter summarizes the discretion of public prosecution.This chapter firstly analyzes the development of public prosecution right in China and briefly introduces the development of public prosecution discretion.The author agrees with Davis' definition that discretion is defined as free choice between action and omission within the limits of public power.It is concluded that the discretion of public prosecution is a process in which the subject of public prosecution makes a choice freely in all possible schemes within the limits of the right of prosecution enjoyed by the subject.At the same time, the author thinks that public prosecution discretion has its particularity compared with other discretion.This chapter also demonstrates the legal basis of public prosecution discretion, mainly from three aspects: historical premise, realistic reasons and ideological basis.The second chapter investigates the discretion mode of public prosecution.This chapter discusses in detail the meaning of the statutory mode of public prosecution and the mode of cheap prosecution, the typical legislative example and the advantages and disadvantages of the mode.And selected the United States and Germany as the representative countries to analyze the cheap and statutory modes of public prosecution.Then in the third section, the trend of integration of the two models is analyzed.The third chapter mainly discusses the operation of prosecutorial discretion in combination with practical experience.As far as the generation of prosecutorial discretion is concerned, because of the principle of procuratorial integration in our country, the problem of "the adjudicators are uncertain, the determiners do not try" has been criticized all the time, but the author thinks that this problem can be solved by the system of division of responsibility.The discretion of public prosecution exists in both cases of prosecution and non-prosecution. In the case of prosecution, the discretion of public prosecution is the choice of prosecution, the change of prosecution, and the withdrawal of prosecution by supplementary prosecution.The increase of criminal reconciliation and conditional non-prosecution shows the affirmation and perfection of the discretion of non-prosecution in the Criminal procedure Law of 2013.The fourth chapter discusses the way to control the verdict of public prosecution.The first is to carry on the source control by the standard, the second is to realize the external control by the supervision quantity, and the last is to realize the guide control to the public prosecution discretion by the evaluation mechanism.


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7 李生斌;刑事案件公诉裁量权研究[D];安徽大学;2001年

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10 侯为;公诉裁量权研究[D];河北大学;2006年




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