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发布时间:2018-04-11 15:20

  本文选题:渎职侵权犯罪 + 查办现状 ; 参考:《政法论丛》2017年04期

[Abstract]:Corruption is a hot issue and a focal issue in the current society. A few days ago, the state was carrying out a pilot project on the reform of the supervisory system in some localities, which is bound to further deepen the anti-corruption work.Compared with the crime of corruption and bribery, the crime of malfeasance is a kind of corruption that is more concealed and more likely to cause people to understand different views.In order to demonstrate the present situation of investigation and handling of malfeasance and tort crimes in a certain region during the five years from 2008 to 2012, from the four stages of filing, investigating, examining and prosecuting and adjudicating and adjudicating the crimes of dereliction of duty,It also analyzes the problems existing in the handling of cases: from the point of view of investigating and handling charges of malfeasance infringement cases, judicial practice applies only 1/3 of the charges set by legislation, and from the process of handling cases, the effective sources of clues are insufficient.The conviction evidence relies heavily on the confession of the criminal suspect, and the difference of understanding caused by the non-evidential reasons is great. From the result of the case processing, the strike against malfeasance crime deviates from the legal track.The above problems are caused by the separation of the legislation from the complicated social life, as well as the reasons of the relevant systems, the establishment of the mechanism and the social cognition in the course of the judicial operation.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学法学院;
【基金】:2016年湖南省社科基金项目《大数据背景下职务犯罪侦查思维模式研究》(16JD10) 法治湖南建设与区域社会治理协同创新中心平台建设的阶段性研究成果


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