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发布时间:2018-04-12 13:08

  本文选题:行政诉讼 + 应诉 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the influence of imperfect legislation, the independence of the judiciary, the expansion of administrative power and the traditional administrative concept, the system of administrative litigation response in our country is not perfect enough.How to form a good restraint mechanism outside and inside to realize the value of administrative litigation is the purpose of this paper.By summarizing and summarizing the history, legislation and theoretical research of the administrative litigation response system of our country's administrative organs, the author finds out how to combine the inside and outside of our country.The research on administrative litigation response in administrative organs is deficient in the field of standardization and supervision and restriction.The administrative litigation response of the administrative organs includes not only the administrative organs participating in the proceedings, but also the external system and the internal system of the administrative litigation of the administrative organs.Based on the investigation of the historical development of China's administrative litigation response system and the analysis of relevant data, cases and rules and regulations, this paper reveals that the number of administrative litigation cases in China is relatively small and the regional differences are great.The cases are mostly concentrated in the county and city government departments.On the basis of investigation and data collection, the author summarizes the following problems in the administrative litigation response system: the administrative power interferes with the judicial power, the legislative provisions are too simple and tend to protect the administrative organs, and the following problems exist: the administrative power interferes with the judicial power, the legislative provisions are too rudimentary and tend to protect the administrative organs.The negative response of administrative organs, the lack of complete administrative work norms and effective constraints.The paper refines the essential reasons that cause many problems in administrative litigation of administrative organs in our country.And puts forward the corresponding consummation suggestion: first, consummates the external system of administrative litigation response from the legislative and judicial level; second, the administrative organ must establish the restriction mechanism, formulates the standard text,We should promote the professionalization of litigant personnel, increase the punishment for the act of harming the fairness of administrative litigation, and establish the double restriction of supervision by superior and subordinate as well as internal supervision, and so on.


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