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发布时间:2018-04-12 12:25

  本文选题:举证责任制度 + 举证时限 ; 参考:《云南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着国内外社会各界对于民事诉讼中举证责任制度的关注,民事举证责任制度是否合理渐渐受到重视。目前我国学者在民事诉讼举证责任制度构建方面已取得一定的研究成果,主要集中在民事纠纷案件证据观点、特性;民事纠纷案件举证中应尽责任类型;证据义务的功能意义等方面。正确研究和确立举证责任制度,寻求更为合理的举证责任分配理论,对正确裁判民事案件起着至关重要的作用。 但就目前我国的民事举证责任制度来说,仍然有一些制度并不完全与我国的具体国情和司法实践相适应,并不能做到每个案件都能够真正充分体现公平正义的价值。例如举证责任一般规则立法规定的不够明确、详细,导致特殊规则的适用范围也过于局限。又如关于举证时限的规定太过僵硬不够灵活,使法官判案没有一个完善的程序保障。另外在举证制度中自认、法院查证、法官自由裁量权等方面也存在很多缺陷,这些立法缺陷直接会影响在司法实践中的运用,导致立法与司法脱节,从而影响司法公正、公平。可见,正确研究和完善举证责任制度对正确裁判民事案件起着至关重要的作用。因此,本文的意义在于通过论述我国民事举证责任制度、对比国外民事举证责任制度,为如何进一步健全完善我国民事举证责任规则,使之在司法实践办案过程中可以充分地体现其价值,提出一些思考和建议。
[Abstract]:With the attention of all circles at home and abroad on the system of burden of proof in civil litigation, whether the system of burden of proof is reasonable or not is gradually being paid attention to.At present, Chinese scholars have made some research achievements in the construction of the system of burden of proof in civil litigation, mainly focusing on the viewpoint and characteristics of evidence in civil dispute cases, the types of burden of proof in civil dispute cases, and the types of burden of proof in civil disputes cases.The functional meaning of evidence obligation and so on.To correctly study and establish the system of burden of proof and to seek a more reasonable theory of distribution of burden of proof plays an important role in the correct adjudication of civil cases.However, as far as the current civil burden of proof system is concerned, there are still some systems which are not fully adapted to the specific conditions of our country and judicial practice, and can not fully reflect the value of fairness and justice in every case.For example, the legislative provisions of the general rules of burden of proof are not clear and detailed, so the scope of application of the special rules is too limited.If the time limit of proof is too rigid and inflexible, there is no perfect procedural guarantee for judge to decide a case.In addition, there are also many defects in the system of adducing evidence, court checking and judges' discretion. These legislative defects will directly affect the application in judicial practice and lead to the disconnection between legislation and judicature, thus affecting judicial justice and fairness.It can be seen that the correct study and improvement of the burden of proof system for the correct adjudication of civil cases plays a vital role.Therefore, the significance of this article lies in how to perfect the rules of civil burden of proof in China by discussing the system of civil burden of proof in our country, comparing with the system of civil burden of proof in foreign countries.So that it can fully reflect its value in the course of handling cases in judicial practice, and put forward some thoughts and suggestions.


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