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发布时间:2018-04-12 13:27

  本文选题:公益诉讼 + 消费者公益诉讼 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:虽然“公益诉讼”一词早在古罗马时期就出现了,但是真正现代意义上的“公益诉讼”的提出者是美国哈佛大学教授艾布拉姆·蔡斯。在我国公益诉讼是指相关的国家机关、组织和个人,为了维护社会公共利益而提起的诉讼。而消费者公益诉讼则是指根据法律和法规的规定,有权主体针对侵害消费者公共利益的行为提起的,为了维护消费者合法权益的,具有公益性质的诉讼。 2013年修订《民事诉讼法》第五十五条规定:“对污染环境、侵害众多消费者合法权益等损害社会公共利益的行为,法律规定的机关和有关组织可以向人民法院提起诉讼。”至此消费者公益诉讼最终被法律所承认和规定。消费者公益诉讼在我国属于初建的法律制度,因此,对于消费者公益诉讼的定义及程序进程和相关的执行及保障措施并没有相应的法律和司法解释进行有效规定。这使得消费者公益诉讼在司法的实践中产生了不小的障碍。因此,如何促进消费者公益诉讼更好的发展,,是本文需要论述的目的和中心。 本文通过对公益诉讼和消费者公益诉讼的分析得出了相应的定义,为以后研究和探讨消费者公益诉讼提供了理论基础。本文不仅对外国部分国家和我国台湾地区的消费者公益诉讼的制度进行了阐述和评析,并得出了对我国消费者公益诉讼的借鉴,还对对我国消费者公益诉讼的立法和实践进行了探讨。最后重点对我国的消费者公益诉讼程序实施进行了缺陷分析并针对这些问题提出了相应的意见和建议。 消费者公益诉讼制度不仅是民事诉讼在法律上的一大进步,也是我国在建设法治国家道路上的一大创举。消费者公益诉讼的价值在于它不仅能够保护消费者个人的权益也可以规范市场主体的行为从而对市场秩序进行规范,而且消费者公益诉讼更深层的意义在于它可以促使更多的人参与其中从而可以产生对社会的广泛的教育意义,这对正在建设法治社会的我国来说是非常重要且积极的。
[Abstract]:Although the term "public interest litigation" appeared as early as in ancient Rome, the real modern meaning of "public interest litigation" is the American Harvard University professor Abrams Chase.Public interest litigation in our country refers to the lawsuit brought by relevant state organs, organizations and individuals in order to safeguard the social and public interests.The consumer public interest litigation refers to the public interest litigation in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, according to the provisions of laws and regulations, the right of the main body against the infringement of the public interests of consumers.Article 55 of the revised Code of Civil procedure in 2013 stipulates: "organs and relevant organizations prescribed by law may bring proceedings in people's courts for acts that pollute the environment, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of many consumers, and so on."Consumer public interest litigation is finally recognized and regulated by the law.Consumer public interest litigation is a newly established legal system in our country. Therefore, there are no effective regulations on the definition and procedure of consumer public interest litigation and the relevant enforcement and safeguard measures.This makes consumer public interest litigation in the judicial practice has produced no small obstacles.Therefore, how to promote the better development of consumer public interest litigation is the purpose and center of this paper.Through the analysis of public interest litigation and consumer public interest litigation, this paper draws the corresponding definition, which provides a theoretical basis for the future study and discussion of consumer public interest litigation.This paper not only expounds and evaluates the system of consumer public interest litigation in some foreign countries and Taiwan area, but also draws lessons from consumer public interest litigation in our country.It also discusses the legislation and practice of consumer public interest litigation in China.Finally, the defects of the implementation of consumer public interest litigation procedure in China are analyzed and the corresponding suggestions and suggestions are put forward.The system of consumer public interest litigation is not only a great progress in the law of civil litigation, but also a great innovation on the road of building a country ruled by law in our country.The value of consumer public interest litigation lies in its ability not only to protect the rights and interests of consumers, but also to regulate the behavior of market subjects, thus standardizing the market order.Moreover, the deeper meaning of consumer public interest litigation lies in that it can promote more people to participate in it, thus it can produce a wide range of educational significance to the society, which is very important and positive for our country which is building a society ruled by law.


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