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发布时间:2018-04-12 13:41

  本文选题:附条件不起诉 + 适用困境 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On March 14, 2012, the Fifth session of the 11th session of the National people's Congress passed the decision to amend the new Criminal procedure Law, in which the addition of the fifth part of the New Law on the Criminal procedure of minors has also aroused widespread concern.The original intention of conditional non-prosecution legislation is to better educate, influence and save minors, which is the practical embodiment of justice theory of judicial restoration.However, the design of the current system is slightly different from the original idea, and there are some difficulties in its application: the right of dissent of one party and the innocent confession of minors and their families are difficult to embody the policy of "education, influence and rescue";In the limited scope of application, such problems as reconciliation between the offender and the victim without proper protection do not reflect the preferential treatment of minors in the system design, and the prolonged test period does not conform to the idea of non-criminal transformation;There are problems of information protection and education for minors in the auxiliary system.The existing solutions to the dilemma need to draw lessons from the relevant systems of the United States, Japan and Germany, as well as the essence of the supporting systems.In the last part of the article, the author puts forward the three main ideas of perfecting the system of non-prosecution with conditions (judicial equality, conciliation and mediation, protecting the privacy of minors) and the deficiencies of the existing system from the legislative and judicial levels.In order to better promote the application of conditional non-prosecution system.


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