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发布时间:2018-04-13 08:49

  本文选题:示范诉讼 + 群体纠纷 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济、社会改革的不断深入,各方面矛盾不断暴露并激化,从而导致群体纠纷大量出现。面对越来越复杂的群体纠纷,我国现有的代表人诉讼制度并未取得预期的效果。在多元化的群体纠纷解决机制逐渐成为当今世界各国立法与司法实践的总体趋势这一大背景下,我国理论与实务界近些年来也针对一些替代性的群体纠纷解决机制进行考察与研究。示范诉讼因其所具有的独特的功能与价值,逐渐成为各国理论界研究的热点问题,,而且更进一步地成为部分国家解决群体纠纷的新路径。本文尝试对示范诉讼制度进行系统研究,首先介绍该制度的概念、特征、类型以及相关基础理论,再对两大法系示范诉讼样本进行考察,而后通过比较考察与该制度的价值考量,引出我国引进示范诉讼制度的必要性与可行性。最后,笔者对示范诉讼制度在我国现有诉讼体系内进行定位,并对具体的制度构建提出一些浅薄的具体建议。 本文除导言、结语外,分为五章。 第一章为示范诉讼制度的概述。该章介绍示范诉讼的概念与特征、学理分类、相关学理分类。通过对该制度概念与特征的分析以明确其内涵与外延;通过介绍三种学理分类以阐明示范诉讼制度的运用领域,并明确论文研究重点为“同类纷争型”示范诉讼。其后,对示范诉讼基础理论进行介绍,主要有示范裁决扩张理论、示范诉讼契约理论、示范诉讼模式理论,以为后文进一步研究做好准备。 第二章为示范诉讼样本之比较研究。主要介绍两大法系中的英国、美国、德国示范诉讼样本,重点介绍了示范诉讼最为发达的德国对该制度在立法与司法上的实践。通过比较域外示范诉讼样本,得出各国具体制度之所长,为我国借鉴提供参考依据。 第三章为示范诉讼之价值考量。该章论述示范诉讼的制度理性,对该制度的优劣势进行客观评价,并探讨示范诉讼制度的延伸价值。通过对示范诉讼的深度价值考量,可以对引入示范诉讼制度更加理性、全面地看待。 第四章将视野移向我国,分析引进示范诉讼制度的必要性与可行性。引进该制度的必要性体现在,其是运用司法解决群体性纠纷的价值要求,是克服代表人诉讼制度不足的需要;而可行性则表现在技术、文化、司法实践三个方面,并且笔者挑选具有代表性的若干案例对引进该制度的可行性方面进行深入分析。 第五章在前四章的基础上,尝试对我国示范诉讼制度的具体构建提出建议。首先,将示范诉讼制度在我国诉讼体系下进行准确定位,主要为该主动与代表人诉讼制度的关系定位、与其他群体诉讼制度的关系定位,并探讨选用何种示范诉讼模式。其次,进行具体程序设计。主要包括适用条件、启动要件、示范案件的挑选、管辖、公告与权利登记、裁判的效力、对第三人利益的保障、诉讼费用与上诉等方面。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's economy and social reform, various contradictions are exposed and intensified, resulting in a large number of group disputes.In the face of more and more complex group disputes, the existing representative litigation system in China has not achieved the desired results.Under the background that the diversified settlement mechanism of group disputes has gradually become the general trend of legislation and judicial practice in various countries in the world,In recent years, the theoretical and practical circles of our country have also investigated and studied some alternative mechanisms of group dispute resolution.Because of its unique function and value, model litigation has gradually become a hot issue in the theoretical circle of various countries, and has further become a new way to solve group disputes in some countries.This paper attempts to make a systematic study on the model litigation system. Firstly, it introduces the concept, characteristics, types and related basic theories of the system, and then investigates the model litigation samples of the two major legal systems.Then, the necessity and feasibility of introducing the model litigation system are drawn through comparative investigation and the value consideration of the system.Finally, the author orientates the model litigation system in the existing litigation system of our country, and puts forward some shallow concrete suggestions to the concrete system construction.In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is an overview of the model litigation system.This chapter introduces the concept and characteristics of model litigation, academic classification, relevant theoretical classification.Through the analysis of the concept and characteristics of the system, this paper clarifies its connotation and extension, clarifies the application field of the model litigation system by introducing three kinds of theoretical classification, and clarifies that the research emphasis of the paper is "the similar dispute type" model lawsuit.Then, the basic theory of model litigation is introduced, including the theory of extension of model judgment, the theory of contract of litigation and the theory of model mode of litigation, so as to prepare for further study.The second chapter is the comparative study of model litigation samples.This paper mainly introduces the model litigation samples of the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany in the two major legal systems, focusing on the legislative and judicial practice of Germany, which is the most developed country in the model litigation.By comparing the samples of overseas model litigation, this paper draws the advantages of the specific systems of various countries and provides reference for our country.The third chapter is the value of model litigation.This chapter discusses the institutional rationality of the model litigation, evaluates the merits and demerits of the system objectively, and probes into the extension value of the model litigation system.By considering the deep value of model litigation, we can make a more rational and comprehensive view on the introduction of model litigation system.Chapter four analyzes the necessity and feasibility of introducing model litigation system.The necessity of introducing this system is that it is the value requirement of using justice to solve group disputes and the need to overcome the shortage of representative litigation system, while the feasibility is manifested in three aspects: technology, culture and judicial practice.And the author selected some representative cases to analyze the feasibility of introducing the system.On the basis of the first four chapters, the fifth chapter tries to put forward some suggestions on the concrete construction of our country's model litigation system.First of all, the model litigation system is accurately positioned under the litigation system of our country, mainly for the relationship between this initiative and representative litigation system, and with other group litigation system, and discusses what model litigation mode to choose.Secondly, carry on the concrete program design.It mainly includes the application conditions, starting requirements, model case selection, jurisdiction, notice and right registration, the effectiveness of the referee, the protection of the interests of the third party, litigation costs and appeals, and so on.


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2 肖建国;谢俊;;示范性诉讼及其类型化研究——以美国、英国、德国为对象的比较法考察[J];法学杂志;2008年01期

3 吴泽勇;;群体性纠纷解决机制的建构原理[J];法学家;2010年05期

4 杨严炎;;示范诉讼的分析与借鉴[J];法学;2007年03期

5 任自力;;美国集团诉讼立法变革及其对中国的启示[J];西部法学评论;2008年01期

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1 郑妮;示范诉讼制度研究[D];西南政法大学;2010年




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