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发布时间:2018-04-13 09:29

  本文选题:廉政建设 + 司法廉政 ; 参考:《理论探索》2017年02期

[Abstract]:The "two sessions" representative case supervision has experienced the development process from germination to prosperity and then to relative weakness, and has continued to play a role in the current judicial practice.The tenacious vitality of its existence and operation for a long time in practice is closely related to the function of promoting judicial integrity contained in the case supervision of the representatives of the two sessions.However, restricted by vague legislation and other factors, the "two sessions" on behalf of individual cases of supervision in reality showed a trend of anomie, becoming the blind zone of the construction of a clean and honest judicial system.It is still necessary to build up the mechanism of court evaluation and judge evaluation, to use the standard form of case supervision, and to file case supervision materials in order to promote judicial integrity through the standardization of case supervision on behalf of the "two sessions".Case supervision of the establishment of archives system and other aspects of the start.
【作者单位】: 南京航空航天大学;江苏大学;


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