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发布时间:2018-04-13 11:22

  本文选题:诉前财产保全 + 财产担保 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The property preservation system of our country is composed of the property preservation before the lawsuit and the property preservation in the lawsuit. The most common point of both is that they are temporary in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant and the court to the relevant property of the respondent.Restrictive measuresThrough the comparison between the two, the author thinks that the pre-lawsuit property preservation system stipulated in the legislation has a more far-reaching effect on the protection of the interests of the parties, because the judicial power can be involved in the civil dispute field in advance.As long as the party involved in property preservation provides a corresponding property security with corresponding value, which conforms to the necessary requirements for property preservation measures before litigation, the applicant may apply directly to the court for property preservation in order to protect his legitimate rights and interests.It is precisely because of the early intervention of judicial power, on the one hand, that the debtor will be forced to force the increase in the cost of breaking the law, thus forcing the debtor to terminate the illegal act on its own initiative, because the civil dispute ends before the commencement of the proceedings.Judicial resources have been reasonably saved.On the other hand, if the respondent has not abandoned the previous illegal act, the applicant may take action within a reasonable period after the property preservation has been carried out, and after the court has tried, once the applicant has been judged successful,The judgment of the court can be executed smoothly, which is due to the temporary and restrictive property measures taken by the court against the debtor's property before the action, so that there will no longer be the problem of "enforcement difficulty".The full text is divided into four parts.The first part introduces the basic category of property preservation system before litigation.This paper expounds the concept, characteristics and utility of property preservation system before litigation.The second part expounds the comparison and reference of the property preservation system between the two legal systems.First of all, it analyzes and compares the current situation of the property preservation systems in the two major legal systems, and then summarizes the common points of the property preservation systems in the two major legal systems.This paper expounds the enlightenment of the property preservation system of the two legal systems to the actual effect of the property preservation system before litigation in the civil procedure law of our country.The third part elaborates the realistic consideration to our country civil lawsuit property preservation system.This paper analyzes some problems in the trial of civil property preservation cases in Chinese courts, finds their defects and analyzes the underlying causes.The fourth part is the constructive suggestions on the perfection of property preservation system before litigation in China.Through the introduction of the system to improve the specific ways to take relevant measures to discuss.


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