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发布时间:2018-04-14 07:07

  本文选题:民事救济 + 民事救济论 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:现今中国环境法学界中,部分学者倡导应该重视民事救济手段在环境保护当中的作用,对于民事救济手段在环境保护当中的作用寄予厚望。他们的观点主要包含一下几种:第一种观点是将环境侵害纳入环境侵权法之中,采用环境侵权法来解决环境侵害问题;与之密切相关,,并且为前者提供理论基础但具有相对独立性的第二种观点是环境权民法化理论,此论倡导通过将环境权细分和转化成民事权利的方式,将环境侵害转化为民事侵害,从而使得环境保护工作在特定程度上得到民事救济;第三种观点是将环境公益诉讼理论理解为环境民事公益诉讼,将环境诉讼设定为民事诉讼,将环境问题通过民事诉讼的框架得以解决,将环境民事公益诉讼作为民事救济的一个重要手段。这几种观点可以被简称为环境法领域的“民事救济论”。本研究是对于此种理论的可能性与局限的分析的一次尝试。 为了展开本文研究,本文首先进行的基础性的工作是对环境法的公私法属性之辩的回顾,通过此种回顾来重述在环境问题领域中公法的重要性,并且理清一个问题——公私法的融合更多是规范的契合而非公私法规范自身属性的变异。通过分析,指出环境法的属性应该是公法。 本文提炼了民事救济论的核心理论架构。民事救济论的理论路径有两个,分别是:(一)将环境权具体化并规定到民法之中,从而实现侵权法救济的目的的路径和(二)直接将环境侵害纳入环境侵权法所救济的损害范畴之内的理论路径。本文分别对这个两个路径进行分析。 针对第一个路径——环境权民法化路径的分析,指出这一思路存在一系列逻辑上的困境,通过按照民事救济论者的思路将将环境权代入具体的民事权利体系进行推导分析的方式,发现并描述了环境权概念的消解现象。 针对民事救济论的第二个路径——“通过环境侵权法救济环境损害路径”的分析,本研究依次涉及环境法与民法的立法目的比较,将环境侵害纳入侵权责任要件的可行性的分析,以及对于侵权责任承担方式救济环境侵害的可行性分析这三部分。通过这些分析,发现民事救济制度的立法目的设计就与环境保护所涉及的公益性之间存在冲突;环境侵害的大部分无法被纳入侵权法的框架中,无法被环境侵权法所识别;通过民事救济提供的民事责任手段无法完成环境治理的重担,民事责任手段在促进环境问题治理方面的作用虽然有,但是非常有限。 本研究还对于环境公益民事诉讼的可能与理论错位进行分析。本研究对于不同类型的“环境公益诉讼”进行分析,指出民事性质的诉讼在环境法执法中的可能性有限,同时也指出纯粹的环境公益诉讼的属性应该为环境法执法之诉,从而证明环境公益诉讼的性质应该为行政公益诉讼而非民事公益诉讼。
[Abstract]:In the field of environmental law in China, some scholars advocate that we should pay attention to the role of civil remedies in environmental protection, and place great hopes on the role of civil remedies in environmental protection.Their views mainly include the following: the first view is to bring environmental infringement into environmental tort law and to adopt environmental tort law to solve the problem of environmental infringement, which is closely related to it.And the second view, which provides the theoretical basis but has relative independence for the former, is the theory of the civil law of environmental right, which advocates that the environmental infringement be transformed into civil infringement by subdividing and transforming the environmental right into civil right.The third view is that the theory of environmental public interest litigation is understood as environmental civil public interest litigation, and environmental litigation is defined as civil action.Environmental problems can be solved through the framework of civil litigation, and environmental civil public interest litigation is regarded as an important means of civil relief.These views can be referred to as "civil remedies" in the field of environmental law.This study is an attempt to analyze the possibility and limitation of this theory.In order to carry out this study, the first basic work of this paper is to review the public and private legal attributes of environmental law, through which the importance of public law in the field of environmental problems is restated.And to clarify a problem-the convergence of public and private law is more the convergence of norms than the variation of the attributes of private law norms.Through analysis, the author points out that the attribute of environmental law should be public law.This paper abstracts the core theoretical framework of civil relief theory.There are two theoretical approaches to the theory of civil relief, one is: (one) concretizing environmental rights and prescribing them into civil law.Thus, the way to achieve the purpose of tort law relief and (2) to directly bring environmental damage into the scope of environmental tort law relief within the theoretical path.This paper analyzes the two paths respectively.In view of the analysis of the first path-the path of the civil law of environmental rights, it is pointed out that there are a series of logical dilemmas in this way of thinking.By means of deducing and analyzing the environmental right into the concrete civil right system according to the idea of civil relief theory, this paper finds out and describes the phenomenon of environmental right dissolving.Based on the analysis of the second path of the theory of civil remedy-"remedy the path of environmental damage through environmental tort law", this study deals in turn with the legislative purpose of environmental law and civil law.This paper analyzes the feasibility of bringing environmental infringement into the elements of tort liability and the feasibility analysis of relief of environmental infringement by way of tort liability.Through these analyses, it is found that there is a conflict between the legislative purpose design of civil relief system and the public welfare involved in environmental protection, and most of the environmental violations cannot be incorporated into the framework of tort law and can not be recognized by environmental tort law.The means of civil liability provided by civil relief can not fulfill the burden of environmental governance. Although the role of civil liability means in promoting environmental governance is limited, it is very limited.This study also analyzes the possible and theoretical dislocation of environmental public interest civil litigation.This study analyzes the different types of "environmental public interest litigation", points out that the civil nature of litigation in the enforcement of environmental law is limited, but also points out that the nature of pure environmental public interest litigation should be environmental law enforcement action.It proves that the nature of environmental public interest litigation should be administrative public interest litigation rather than civil public interest litigation.


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