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发布时间:2018-04-14 07:25

  本文选题:羁押必要性 + 逮捕 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文着眼于我国修改后刑诉法第93条关于羁押必要性审查制度的规定,通过对羁押必要性审查制度中的基本关系对比分析,探讨捕后羁押必要性审查制度构成要件,就该制度如何更好的应用于司法实践进行了构架,分析了司法适用中可能涉及的主要问题。 捕后继续羁押必要性审查制度是修改后刑诉法赋予检察机关一项新的诉讼监督职责。实施该制度,检察机关在思想观念上树立办案期限与羁押期限分离,审前羁押措施与非羁押措施结合,人权保障与诉讼保障并重,司法审查与行政审批兼容等理念。审查职能分工以办案部门为主、监所监察部门为辅,并明确侦监、公诉、二审检察、未成年人检察、监所检察、控告申诉、案件管理等各部门职责。审查案件范围涵盖所有羁押案件特别是审查起诉阶段的在办案件。审查内容和标准包括涉嫌犯罪严重性、再次犯罪可能性、实施犯罪嫌疑性、妨碍诉讼可能性、继续羁押适合性、羁押期限法定性、办理案件特殊性等七个方面因素,审查启动模式有依职权主动审查和依申请被动审查两种模式。 本文重点研究与办案期限同步审查、前置审查环节、设置超长羁押期限审查等措施来强化检察机关主动审查,积极探索书面审查、综合审查及听证审查等审查方式,改进三级审批制,探索主诉检察官办案责任制,合理确定各级办案主体的决策效力,建立健全审查意见的答复和反馈机制。
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the provisions of Article 93 of the revised Criminal procedure Law on the necessity of custody examination system, through the comparative analysis of the basic relations in the necessity of custody review system, discusses the necessary examination system of detention after arrest.How to better apply the system to judicial practice is set up, and the main problems that may be involved in judicial application are analyzed.The system of examining the necessity of detention after arrest is a new duty of litigation supervision given to procuratorial organs by the revised Criminal procedure Law.To implement the system, the procuratorial organs should establish the concepts of separating the time limit of handling cases from the term of custody, combining the measures of pretrial detention with non-custodial measures, paying equal attention to the protection of human rights and litigation, and the compatibility of judicial review and administrative examination and approval.The examination function division of labor is based on the case handling department, supplemented by the supervision department of the prison, and clarifies the responsibilities of the various departments, such as investigation and supervision, public prosecution, second instance procuratorial, minor procuratorial, prison procuratorate, complaint, case management, and so on.The scope of the review covers all detention cases, in particular ongoing cases at the review prosecution stage.The contents and standards of the examination include seven factors, including the seriousness of the suspected crime, the possibility of committing a crime again, the possibility of committing a crime, the possibility of hindering the possibility of litigation, the suitability of continued detention, the legal qualification of the detention period, the particularity of handling a case, etc.There are two modes: active examination according to authority and passive review according to application.This paper focuses on measures such as simultaneous examination with the time limit for handling a case, pre-examination links, setting up an overlong period of detention review to strengthen the procuratorial organs' active review, actively exploring the examination methods of written review, comprehensive review and hearing review, etc.We should improve the three-level examination and approval system, explore the responsibility system for handling cases by chief prosecution prosecutors, reasonably determine the decision-making effectiveness of the subjects handling cases at all levels, and establish and improve the response and feedback mechanism for examination opinions.


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