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发布时间:2018-04-14 07:27

  本文选题:诉讼标的 + “相对化”研究范式 ; 参考:《法学论坛》2017年06期

[Abstract]:In the past studies on the subject of litigation, most of the research results have used the theory of the subject of systematic litigation as the research paradigm, and the related studies usually adopt the paradigm of "systematization" as Germany.Japan and other major continental French theory of common practice.However, the theory and practice of contemporary Japanese law have abandoned the "theory of the subject matter of systematic litigation", and have instead disintegrated the subject matter of litigation into four sub-issues, namely, the merger of litigation, the alteration of litigation, the prohibition of repetition, and the objective scope of res judicata.In the specific litigation scenarios, respectively, to find appropriate solutions.The philosophy of Japanese civil procedure law is a kind of metaphysical philosophy, which attaches importance to the appropriateness of the result in the concrete scene.Understanding this philosophy of procedural law is not only helpful to reunderstand the theory of the subject of Japanese litigation, but also provides a perspective for the understanding of the whole Japanese civil procedural law.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学民商经济法学院;


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