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发布时间:2018-04-14 12:21

  本文选题:涉外商事仲裁协议 + 效力认定 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Arbitration procedure has developed into an important means of dispute settlement in modern commercial operation, and has been favored by the parties in various countries.As the beginning of arbitration procedure, the drafting of arbitration agreement is the most important step in the whole arbitration procedure.Whether the arbitration agreement between the parties can be regarded as valid is directly related to the smooth progress of the arbitration proceedings.Although with the progress of international commercial exchanges, China's foreign commercial arbitration has been constantly enriched and developed, but there are still many problems to be solved in the design of relevant systems.Through the analysis of the selected cases, it is found that in recent years, the attitude of our country regarding the validity of the foreign commercial arbitration agreement has been quite strict, both in legislation and in the process of practice.The foreign commercial arbitration agreement between the parties is often not recognized effectively by the judicial authorities, which hinders the healthy development of foreign arbitration in our country.The validity of the arbitration agreement is usually referred to an arbitration agency and a national court for determination.On the one hand, "the arbitration tribunal self-adjudication principle" has become one of the theoretical bases of modern international commercial arbitration, according to which the arbitration institution obtains the power to judge the validity of the arbitration agreement;On the other hand, the court of a country, as the organ exercising the judicial power of the state, should have the right to judge the validity of the arbitration agreement within its sovereignty or in connection with that country.At present, although many countries and regions in the world, including China, have accepted this approach, such a division method has caused some problems in the course of practice.At the same time, the conclusion of an effective arbitration agreement not only based on the reality of the dispute, but also requires that the agreement should have complete elements.First, the issue should be allowed for arbitration.For the arbitration agreement, the subject may be natural person, legal person, unincorporated body, state and so on, which requires that the subject of the arbitration agreement should have corresponding qualifications.At the same time, the expression of the will of arbitration is the basis of the arbitration procedure. To reach an effective arbitration agreement requires the will of arbitration to be true and legal.The selection of arbitration institution and place may have a great influence on the arbitration process and the result.Based on the analysis of various situations in which the foreign commercial arbitration agreement has been recognized as invalid by the judicial organs of our country, the author puts forward corresponding legislative and practical suggestions in view of the problems existing in the process of confirming the validity of the foreign commercial arbitration agreement in our country.In the context of supporting and encouraging the development of arbitration, we strive to ensure that the arbitration agreement is effectively recognized.First of all, strictly follow the principle of party autonomy, to ensure the orderly conduct of modern commercial activities.At the same time, we adopt the principle of the closest connection to judge the foreign factors and give them more flexible criteria.The mandatory requirement selected by the arbitration institution is weakened to increase the proportion of the arbitration agreement recognized as valid in practice.Finally, by reducing the intervention of the people's court in the arbitration procedure, the jurisdiction of the arbitration institution is defined to ensure the efficiency value of the arbitration procedure.


相关博士学位论文 前2条

1 胡荻;国际商事仲裁权研究[D];华东政法大学;2014年

2 孙得胜;国际商事仲裁协议的效力问题研究[D];大连海事大学;2012年

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1 刘辉荣;论国际商事仲裁中瑕疵仲裁协议的效力认定及补救[D];苏州大学;2014年

2 白雪冰;国际商事仲裁的司法监督[D];华东政法大学;2012年

3 刘岩岩;涉外仲裁协议效力认定法律实务问题研究[D];中国政法大学;2009年

4 张伟;论国际商事仲裁裁决的司法审查[D];山东大学;2007年

5 董蕾红;国际商事仲裁协议效力认定的比较研究[D];山东大学;2006年




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