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发布时间:2018-04-14 12:37

  本文选题:高等教育 + 仲裁制度 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening reform of educational system of higher education, the dispute is getting more and more attention from people. In recent years, education related disputes cases, disputes and showing diverse characteristics, has great influence in the society. With the increasing number of diversification and characteristics of higher education disputes. To solve the way people started to pay attention to higher education. Higher education construction disputes arbitration system is in enhancing citizen consciousness and right consciousness under the background of trying to solve the problem of higher education is an important way to solve disputes. This paper is divided into four parts, the main content of each part is: in the first part, background and significance of this paper, the review of domestic and foreign research on the construction of Higher Education Arbitration System of the relevant literature, determine the research ideas, research methods, main contents and storage In the point of innovation. The second part, the definition of arbitration system of higher education, analyzes the theoretical basis of constructing the system of higher education, and analyzes the construction of the system of higher education in the Education Arbitration dispute settlement mechanism is established, and the necessity of educational administrative litigation to resolve disputes, education fair solution. In the third part, I introduced higher education basic situation of dispute settlement system construction and the achievements of the Chinese higher education dispute resolution for less implementation of the existing system, responsibility is difficult to dispute a long cycle and verdict controversial issues, and in-depth analysis of its causes. The fourth part, the construction of higher education the arbitration system of our country and the concept of the basic principles, and puts forward the concrete contents of the Higher Education Arbitration System in China, including the establishment of specialized higher education Sports arbitration institutions of higher education, clarify the scope of arbitration, the provisions of higher education arbitration procedures, strengthen the higher educational arbitration effect four aspects.



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