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发布时间:2018-04-14 13:09

  本文选题:人民陪审制度 + 人民参审制度 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The system of citizen participation in the administration of justice is a judicial system that is generally constructed and perfected in various parts of the world. The court has introduced ordinary citizens into the trial work.It has effectively set up a layer of supervision and restriction means for the trial activities of the court. Under the protection of this kind of mechanism, the initiative of citizen participation can be brought into full play, and the inherent democracy and impartiality of the judicial work will be manifested.The participation of citizens in trials in mainland China and Taiwan has met with some obstacles in the current development. For example, in practice, some local court people's jurors have become mere formals, the rights of judges in Taiwan are restricted, and constitutional disputes are also involved.These factors, which are not conducive to the development of judicial reform, exist in reality, but we should not abandon this democratic judicial participation from the perspective of development.In other parts of the world, there has been a bumpy and tortuous process from the birth to perfection of a new system, and no judicial progress has been smooth and unhindered.What we should do in this possible long development process is to firmly grasp the original intention of citizen's participation in the judicial trial, under the guidance of the spirit of democracy and justice, take the constitution as the foundation and the system as the guarantee, and realize the judicial trial which goes deep into the people's heart.Apart from the introduction and the conclusion, this article is divided into three chapters.In the first chapter, this paper mainly discusses the historical development and construction status of citizen participation in judicial trial in mainland China and Taiwan.Any system has to go through a gradual process from birth to perfection. Therefore, in order to complete the comparative study of the two systems, at the same time, it expounds the origin of the system of people's jury and open trial in mainland China.Also discusses the Taiwan area is gradually forming and determining the system of observation and trial.The development of citizen participation in judicial trial in mainland China is discussed in the light of time, including the judicial reform in the base region period and in the early period of the founding of the people's Republic of China, and the different draft laws promulgated in different periods in Taiwan region.The form of citizen participation in judicial trial in mainland China has a certain degree of reference for Taiwan.In the second chapter, the author makes a detailed comparison between the people's jury system in the mainland and the trial judge system in Taiwan, the first part of which is a comparison of the current situation of the two different systems on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.Different systems have different advantages and disadvantages in reality and have different social effects.The second part compares the two kinds of civil participation in the judicial system itself, including the relationship between the people's jury system and the Constitution.In the third chapter, the author puts forward some feasible suggestions on how to perfect the basic system of citizen participation in the judicial system of mainland China and Taiwan in the future.This paper attempts to analyze the origin, development and comparison of citizen participation in the administration of justice in China based on the Constitution through the study of the ways and systems of citizens' participation in judicial activities in mainland China and Taiwan.Excavate the different problems and similar problems in practice of different systems, absorb the essence of each other, and gradually progress and improve.


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