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发布时间:2018-04-14 14:13

  本文选题:民事审限制度的局限性 + 超审限 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:民事审限制度是我国特有的一项司法制度,域外国家除俄罗斯外,其他各国对此鲜有规定,很长一段时间该制度在我国面临着存废之争。但由于民事审限制度具有不可替代的价值与功能,它有效的平衡了司法公正与司法效率问题,最大限度保证了当事人的合法权益,同时有效的节约了司法资源。然而该制度在我国施行了20多年后其局限性越来越凸显,在司法实践中也呈现出种种“乱象”,且这些“乱象”也损及了设置该制度意欲实现的价值。通过对民事审限制度局限性进行深入剖析,并进一步提出完善该制度的设想,才是当务之急。在此,我们有必要对这一制度作进一步的探讨与研究,本文从以下四个方面来阐述: 第一部分主要是民事审限制度的理论部分。对民事审限制度的概述主要从其概念、性质、规范对象来了解民事审限制度的内涵。紧接着从历史的角度来看民事审限制度在古代的发展,并顺承其沿革了解我国民事诉讼法对该制度的逐步完善。最后对该制度的设置机理进行分析,了解该制度因其所具有的价值和功能而有其存续的必要性。 第二部分主要对我国民事审限制度局限性进行深入分析。影响民事审限制度功能发挥的局限性不仅包括民事审限制度本身的局限性,这主要体现在民事审限制度在立法规范上的不完善,也包含了其他相关局限因素,主要包括以下几个方面:第一是是法官整体素质不高;第二是当事人的诉讼行为不规范;第三是其他配套机制不完善。 第三部分主要是对我国民事审限制度的局限性在实践中引发的“乱象”及其危害和影响的考察。首先介绍民事审限制度局限性在司法实践中表现为超审限现象广泛存在、不合理安排案件审理流程、压缩当事人实施诉讼行为的时间、以及用非正式开庭代正式开庭等“乱象”。之后再对民事审限制度局限性对于当事人及时维护合法权益、司法权威、实现公正与效率带来的危害及影响进行深入分析。 第四部分是民事审限制度局限性的克服,即针对前文中民事审限制度的各种问题提出一系列针对性的解决办法与措施。主要有如下几点设想:一是修改民事诉讼法,完善审限制度;二是提高法官整体素质;三是规范当事人的诉讼行为;四是完善其他配套机制。
[Abstract]:Civil jurisdiction system is a special judicial system in our country. Except Russia, other countries have few regulations on it. For a long time, the system is faced with the controversy of saving and abolishing in our country.But because the civil adjudication system has irreplaceable value and function, it effectively balances the problem of judicial justice and judicial efficiency, ensures the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the maximum extent, and effectively saves the judicial resources.However, after more than 20 years' implementation in our country, the limitation of the system has become more and more prominent, and in the judicial practice, there are also various "chaotic phenomena", and these "chaotic phenomena" also undermine the value of the system.It is urgent to analyze the limitation of civil limit system and put forward the idea of perfecting it.Here, we need to further explore and study this system, this article from the following four aspects to elaborate:The first part is the theoretical part of the civil limit system.The outline of civil limit system is to understand its connotation from its concept, nature and standard object.Then from the historical point of view, the development of civil jurisdiction system in ancient times, and understand the evolution of our country's civil procedure law gradually perfect the system.Finally, the mechanism of setting up the system is analyzed, and the necessity of its existence because of its value and function is understood.The second part mainly analyzes the limitation of civil limit system in China.The limitations that affect the function of the civil adjudication system include not only the limitations of the civil adjudication system itself, but also the imperfections of the civil adjudication system in the legislative norms and other relevant limitation factors.Mainly includes the following several aspects: first is the judge overall quality is not high; second is the litigant's lawsuit behavior is not standard; third is the other supporting mechanism is not perfect.The third part is mainly to investigate the "disorder" and its harm and influence caused by the limitation of the civil jurisdiction system in our country.First of all, it introduces the limitation of the civil adjudication system in the judicial practice, which is characterized by the widespread existence of the phenomenon of exceeding the limit of trial, the unreasonable arrangement of the trial process, and the reduction of the time for the litigants to carry out the action.As well as informal sessions on behalf of formal sessions, and so on, "chaos."Then the limitations of the civil limit system for the timely protection of legitimate rights and interests, judicial authority, justice and efficiency of the harm and impact of in-depth analysis.The fourth part is to overcome the limitations of the civil limit system, that is to put forward a series of targeted solutions and measures to solve the various problems of the civil limit system in the previous article.The main ideas are as follows: first, to amend the civil procedure law, improve the trial system; second, to improve the overall quality of judges; third, to regulate the litigants' actions; fourth, to improve other supporting mechanisms.


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