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发布时间:2018-04-17 01:38

  本文选题:未成年人犯罪 + 刑事诉讼 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2013年2月,北京市海淀公安分局发表了一篇关于一宗轮奸案的通报,之后,著名李姓歌唱家之子李某某涉嫌轮奸案的报道席卷全中国的互联网,各大媒体争先报道并积极关注此案的进展。在法律界,该案也引起了轩然大波,其中,李某某的未成年人身份也成了此案关注的焦点之一。 未成年人的身心具有特殊性,生理与心理还未成熟,自制力以及辨别能力相较成年人还比较差,很容易受到外界的影响,因此被认为是社会的特殊群体。未成年人犯罪是法治发达国家都确定需要认真对待的问题,这些国家都十分重视未成年人刑事案件的特别程序构建,以维护他们的合法权益。我国最新《刑事诉讼法》于2013年1月1日起正式实施,其中第五编“特别程序”中,第一章就专门规定了未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序,可见,我国对未成年人犯罪刑事诉讼特别程序的重视程度逐步与国际社会接轨。 本文着重介绍我国未成年人犯罪的刑事诉讼特别程序的有关问题,第一部分是对未成年人犯罪的刑事诉讼特别程序的概述,首先介绍了未成年人犯罪的概念、特点与原因;其次阐述了未成年人犯罪的刑事诉讼特别程序的基本概念、特点,并着重介绍了未成年人犯罪刑事诉讼特别程序应当遵循的原则;最后,针对未成年人犯罪刑事诉讼特别程序中的几个特殊制度作出解释与说明,为下一部分做铺垫。第二部分的重点是我国未成年人犯罪刑事诉讼特别程序的缺陷,首先是侵犯隐私权现象比较严重;其次是审前羁押现象比较严重;再次是附条件不起诉的条件不够明确;社会调查制度存在诸多问题;最后是犯罪记录封存制度存在不足。第三个部分也就是本文的最后一个部分,主要是针对上部分阐述的程序缺陷提出完善建议,主要从未成年人保护理念和制度程序两方面进行阐释。 未成年人是祖国的未来,希望我国未成年人刑事诉讼制度能够越来越完善,在充分保障犯罪的未成年人合法利益,发挥惩罚和教育的功能。
[Abstract]:In February 2013, the Beijing Haidian Public Security Bureau published a report on a gang rape case. After that, reports of the alleged gang rape case involving the son of a famous singer Li surnamed Li swept the Internet across China.Major media reported and actively followed the progress of the case.In the legal profession, the case also caused a great uproar, Li's minor status also became one of the focus of the case.The body and mind of minors are special, physiological and psychological are not mature, self-control and discrimination ability is worse than adults, easy to be affected by the outside world, so it is considered to be a special group of society.Juvenile delinquency is a problem that needs to be taken seriously by developed countries, which attach great importance to the construction of special procedures in juvenile criminal cases in order to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.The latest Criminal procedure Law of our country came into force on January 1, 2013. In the fifth part of "Special procedures", the first chapter specifically stipulates the procedure of criminal cases for minors.Our country pays more and more attention to the criminal procedure of juvenile delinquency.The first part is a summary of the special procedure of criminal procedure for juvenile delinquency. Firstly, it introduces the concept, characteristics and reasons of juvenile delinquency.Secondly, it expounds the basic concept and characteristics of the special procedure of criminal procedure for juvenile delinquency, and emphatically introduces the principles that should be followed by the special procedure of criminal procedure for juvenile delinquency.This paper explains and explains several special systems in the special procedure of criminal procedure for juvenile delinquency, paving the way for the next part.The second part focuses on the defects of the special procedure of criminal procedure for juvenile delinquency in our country. Firstly, the phenomenon of infringing the right to privacy is serious; secondly, the phenomenon of pretrial detention is more serious; thirdly, the condition of not suing under conditions is not clear enough.There are many problems in the social investigation system.The third part is the last part of this article, mainly for the procedural defects described in the previous part of the proposed perfection, mainly from the concept of protection of minors and the system of two aspects of the interpretation.Minors are the future of our country, we hope that the criminal procedure system of minors in our country can be more and more perfect, in the full protection of the legitimate interests of minors in crime, play a role in punishment and education.


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